Brennan On Oversight Committee Report: ‘Hold Accountable Those Who Failed To Take Action’ In Administration

Katie Brennan

Katie Brennan reacts to Select Oversight Committee report


TRENTON (June 5, 2019) — Following is a statement from Katie Brennan in response to the Select Oversight Committee report issued today:


“The findings of this report confirm what I have known all along–that sexual violence survivors in this state still cannot expect to receive justice. I waved a red flag at every turn of this process, and at every turn, I went unheard. And while my story should cause outrage, what should be even more disturbing is the knowledge that I am only one of countless survivors in our state who have gone voiceless and whose assaulters remain unaccountable. To our lawmakers, you now have a mandate–take meaningful action to create real accountability for perpetrators of sexual violence and for those who would protect them. To the Administration, you have a mandate as well, to hold accountable those who failed to take action or actively protected Al Alvarez. To truly claim the moral authority to implement a strong, pro-women, progressive policy agenda, the individuals in your senior leadership who have been complicit must be held to account.”


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