1.4 Million New Jerseyans Without Power, Says Murphy


More than a million New Jerseyans lack power in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaias, according to Governor Phil Murphy.

In fact, the governor pegged outages to close to 1.4 million people in the wake of the storm, Murphy told ABC News this evening.

"That’s more than 25% of the utility customers in the state and half of JCP&L’s 1.1 million customers in the dark, according to outage maps provided by the three major utility companies in New Jersey," according to this report on NJ.com.

"It's an enormous amount of tree-related damage," Murphy explained. "The rain has largely moved on."

The wind continued this evening.

"Power outages is going to be the big legacy from this storm," Murphy said.

For live images of the storm's aftermath, please go here.

Murphy last night declared a statewide state of emergncy for Tuesday, August 4th.

His decision came on the heels of news that Isaias has “strengthened back to a hurricane and is accelerating toward landfall near the border between North and South Carolina, the National Hurricane Center said Monday evening.”

Viw Murphy’s Twitter page:

“I am declaring a STATEWIDE STATE OF EMERGENCY for Hurricane Isaias effective at 5:00 AM on Tuesday, August 4, 2020:

Do not be on the roads unless absolutely necessary

If you MUST drive, take it slow, use caution, and leave extra time to get to your destination.”

The Governor encourages New Jerseyans to visit ready.nj.gov for important weather updates and safety information. Residents should also pay attention to local forecasts, warnings, and watches.

For those living in Central and Southern New Jersey, visit the U.S. National Weather Service Philadelphia/Mount Holly at http://www.weather.gov/phi/

For those living in Northern New Jersey and the New York Metro area, visit the U.S. National Weather Service New York, N.Y. at http://www.weather.gov/okx/

Copy of Executive Order #174 


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