The 2017 Insider 100: New Jersey Political Media Personalities

Insider 100: Media


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Insider NJ’s 2017 Insider 100: Media



We’ve put together too many lists, we figured it was an appropriate occasion to assemble a documentation of those humble New Jersey purveyors of thought; those practitioners of a refined political vocabulary, whom we define here against that lower primate order of upper echelon national leadership otherwise known as the presidency.

In the middle of an ongoing campaign to discredit reporters, and minimize the written and spoken word, we bear witness daily to one of the truly boorish exercises in modern American politics. It’s hard to invoke a literate, public interest segment of society without hearing anew the howls of “fake news” from that podium that we, the people, own. While a reality show-fed ego at the top dovetails with that illiterate wing of the country that still doesn’t know it lost the Civil War, we absorb this combination of forces with a sense of the surreal. The country seems to have made a hard evolutionary detour to a Plan 9 from Outer Space science fiction film script featuring a bewigged Pugsly in the lead role.

I remember my high school English teacher Joe Fili, standing up at the front of the room with a copy of his beloved King Lear by Shakespeare and telling us, “Getting old is one of life’s heartbreaks, yes, but don’t you dare get old and foolish.” So here we are, America: old before our time and unwise, unwilling to grasp even the rudimentary concepts of our own history, and apparently mostly too egocentric to care…

Again, to access the list, click the link at the top of this page.

To read the Insider 100: Policymakers Power Rankings from May, please go here.


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9 responses to “The 2017 Insider 100: New Jersey Political Media Personalities”

  1. How does Larry Mendte not make the list!?! He has a show called Jersey Matters that runs in both South and North Jersey every week.

    • The list is a bit of a joke without Mente. He presses more than any interviewer on TV. His interview with Phil Murphy was classic. He asked him to tell the voters about themselves and after said “I noticed you left out Goldman Sachs.” Classic.

    • It’s a solid list with the glaring exception of Mendte’s omission. I would think he would at least make the top 25…at least. But to not be on the list is a pretty big mistake.

    • Larry Mente probably was left off the list because he interviewed me on his show once, and that must have lowered his status as to not make the list. Just a guess.

    • Agree with everything said about Mendte. a little embarrassing for list maker that he’s not on list. Love his commentaries at the end of Jersey Matters.

  2. Wow. Nice job. I could not have found 100 for a list like this with a computer, high speed internet, a public library and a dozen friends in the industry.

  3. Liberals have the mind of PIGS. They are piggish pigs that act like pigs because democrats ARE PIGS.
    So make your list. OINK

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