38th District Republican Seymour Ends GOP Candidacy, Switches Parties, Endorses Dems, Murphy for Guv.

Matthew S. Seymour today said he plans to change his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat, quit his challenge of incumbent Democrats Assemblyman Joe Lagana and Assemblyman Tim Eustace, endorse them - and support Phil Murphy for Governor.
“For the past nine years, I have volunteered my time providing assistance to low-income survivors of domestic violence and abuse," Seymour said. "As those who know me best understand, no issue is dearer to my heart. As a husband and father to a young daughter, I believe it is imperative to empower and protect women and children. With that in mind, bringing a Family Justice Center to Bergen and and Passaic Counties has been among my top priorities in my campaign for Assembly. Doing so will provide accessible and coordinated services to survivors of domestic violence and their families.
"I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to bring this issue into the public conversation," he added. "While my ideas may have resonated with voters, I am disappointed that many in Republican Party leadership have not embraced prioritizing this issue. Family Justice Centers have been successfully implemented in other parts of the state and have been recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice as an ideal model for domestic violence intervention and prevention. Providing safety and support to individuals and families who have suffered so much must be an issue that we can all come together to work on. I am confident the Bergen County Democrats will put this issue at the forefront."
The former Republican added, "That is why, after long and careful consideration, I have decided to withdraw from the race and change my party affiliation to Democrat. In doing so, I am proud to endorse Phil Murphy for Governor. I strongly believe that electing Phil Murphy as Governor and re-electing Senator Bob Gordon, Assemblyman Tim Eustace and Assemblyman Joe Lagana is the best way we can provide hope and support to the thousands of survivors of domestic violence and abuse throughout the State of New Jersey. I look forward to working with Phil Murphy and County Executive James Tedesco on bringing a Family Justice Center to Bergen County.”
A steak dinner says that Seymour dropped out and changed parties in exchange for a nice line item in the next budget that will fund his Centers' expansions in Bergen and Passaic (and/or a plum job someplace in the region once Murphy becomes governor). Not that hard to see through the PR-jargon or predict the outcome. We've seen this happen before with other candidates.