LD26 Flashpoint: a Win for Lyon in Court

LD26 challenger Hank Lyon, a Morris County Freeholder, this afternoon survived a court challenge by Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce (R-26).
The Republican Primary combatant posted the following on his Facebook page:
Just moments ago, Assignment Judge Minkowitz practically set a record for the fastest dismissal of a court case when he denied the lawsuit filed against me 24 hours earlier by Double Dipper BettyLou Decroce.
The Decroce lawsuit was so weak that the case was dismissed before my attorney even had a chance to file a defense.
More to follow...
The DeCroce Campaign yesterday sued Lyon, charging that he is violating state election finance laws in his campaign to unseat her in the 26th legislative district in the June 6 GOP primary election, according to this report in the Daily Record.