To Accuse Those Who Vote by Mail of Fraud is both Claimless and Immoral

"If we count all legal ballots, the President wins."
Bill Stepien
Trump Campaign Manager
What the hell does that mean?
I would call that a self-serving statement beneath even the low bar of political pronouncements.
So, Stepien is saying, unless you voted for Trump, your ballot is illegal. Or, if he's saying something else, it's lost in translation. So accusing the broad voting public of fraud without having any evidence thereof is an attack on citizenship. What is the basis of these accusations? Once the ballots have been stripped and counted, it's too late. Unless you're setting a table of grievance and fear for future consumption.
The eventuality of Democrats voting by mail, in this election, in preponderance, was well known far in advance. It was what is called a lawful strategy to cope with the exigencies of Covid-19 . It was predictable (see Bernie Sanders on Jimmy Fallon interview , October 23rd) that there would be a moment in time when Trump had a same day vote lead at his bedtime ( the so - called red mirage) only to wake up to the sound of the relentless incoming tide of mail-in-ballots lapping at his feet. And that's what's happening.
It is legal to vote by mail in the United States. To accuse those who do so of fraud is both claimless and immoral. It's an affront to Democracy and casts a pall of illegitimacy on an American Election. This is not a good thing for the Republican Party to engage in. We are not surprised Trump would call an election he lost illegitimate. After all he called the first Black President illegitimate. But the Republican Party should be more civic-minded, I would think. Trump is calling the American electorate illegitimate. I wouldn't expect Republicans to endorse such a sentiment. It's an embarrassment.
Now it's obvious that Trump was ready to play this card at the first opportunity. Bernie predicted that Trump would stand up on Election Night and claim victory despite millions of uncounted ballots; followed by accusations of fraud. Trump has been crying about mail ballots for two months. Perhaps his campaign should have more heartily participated in that venue of voting. Also , it doesn't resonate to go to court to stop the count when you're losing the count.
As for recounts, that's pro forma in close elections under a 1% differential . I am unaware of any, on that basis, that was consequential.
As I write this , Biden/Harris is on the edge of the 270 ECVs ; a record 70 million votes . There's still a lot to happen before the whistle blows. Biden will be our next President .
God Bless America!
Bernard Kenny of Hoboken is the former state senator from the 33rd Legislative District.
This is total BS. Bernie is from Hoboken where several people have gone to prison in the last year for VBM fraud. Nice try though!