Acting Governor Way Signs Legislation Broadening Protections for Immigrant Workers

Acting Governor Way today signed legislation that imposes civil penalties on any employers who disclose or threaten to disclose an employee’s immigration status in order to cover up their own labor violations.
State employment laws provide broad protections for employees regardless of their immigration status. However, an employee may be reluctant to report employer violations due to fear of the employer revealing their immigration status. This bill mandates that any employer who threatens an employee with exposing their immigration status or discloses their immigration status to authorities in order to conceal wage violations or other violations will face civil penalties, in addition to any existing penalties for the underlying employment violations. "New Jersey’s greatest strength lies in its diverse and dedicated workforce,” said Acting Governor Way. “No worker should face harassment or intimidation from their employers. This legislation reaffirms our administration’s commitment to creating a safe and supportive environment, ensuring all workers have the legal protections they need to feel secure in their day-to-day lives." These penalties will be enforced by the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, who will ensure that employees are protected from being unfairly treated or intimidated by their employers. If the Commissioner finds that an employer has disclosed or threatened to disclose an employee's immigration status to conceal violations of state wage, benefit, and tax laws, then the Commissioner can impose strict administrative penalties. “The Labor Department is committed to safeguarding the rights of all workers, regardless of immigration status,” said Robert Asaro-Angelo, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. “This law is another crucial step to ensuring all workers are treated fairly and justly, and reinforces the state’s dedication to upholding the integrity of New Jersey’s top-tier labor standards.” “No worker should be forced to turn a blind eye to their employer’s unlawful behavior out of fear of being prosecuted for their immigration status,” said Senate Majority Leader M. Teresa Ruiz. “By establishing a penalty for employers who weaponized an employee’s immigration status against them to violate the law, we will protect worker’s rights and hold businesses accountable for exploitative behavior.” “All employees, regardless of immigration status, deserve the right to a safe and fair work environment,” said Senator Angela McKnight. “This measure will discourage businesses from behaving unethically and will impose penalties for those found to have violated the law.” “The legislation signed today is a crucial step in protecting our workforce. No employee should have to live in fear of being exposed or threatened because of their immigration status,” said Assemblywoman Alixon Collazos-Gill. “By imposing strict penalties on employers who engage in such behavior in an attempt to cover up violations, we send a clear message that New Jersey is not only a safe place to live, but a safe place to work as well.” “Workers should feel safe to report violations of this nature without the fear of retaliation based on their immigration status,” said Assemblywoman Shanique Speight. “New Jersey will not tolerate exploitation in the work place, taking advantage of people who simply want to earn a wage in order to support their families is morally wrong and has no place in this state.” “The protection of workers’ rights is paramount and this legislation ensures that employers who threaten or disclose an employee’s immigration status in an attempt to conceal a violation are penalized appropriately,” said Assemblywoman Annette Quijano. “By enacting these penalties, we are holding employers accountable for their actions." "All New Jerseyans deserve the ability to earn a living and provide for their families without having their employer disclose or threaten to disclose their immigration status. The ACLU-NJ applauds the Legislature, Governor Murphy, and Acting Governor Way for passing and signing this bill into law and looks forward to collaborating on further beneficial policy initiatives," said Sarah Fajardo, ACLU-NJ Policy Director. “The Latino Action Network Foundation commends Governor Murphy and our State Legislature for centering New Jersey’s commitment to working-class Latino immigrant families. Immigrants make significant economic contributions in NJ. And this legislation demonstrates how New Jersey can lead the way to ensure that a fair wage is a human right and create policies that protects workers regardless of immigration status,” said Dr. Jesselly De La Cruz, Executive Director at Latino Action Network Foundation. "This important piece of legislation addresses a deeply disconcerning practice in the construction industry – crooked contractors exploiting the immigration status of workers to gain a competitive advantage over honest contractors, cheat taxpayers, harm workers, and lower industry standards,” said Michael E. Hellstrom Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager of Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA). "Giving state officials the tools to effectively conduct investigations and crack down on law-breakers is a very good thing for New Jersey. I applaud Governor Murphy and the bill sponsors for passage of this pro-worker, industry-supporting legislation." “Immigrant workers participate in New Jersey's labor force at a rate 5.2% higher than native-born workers. They deserve equal protections," said Erik Cruz Morales, Policy and Advocacy Manager with New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice. "This new law will establish safeguards against coercion and intimidation based on immigration status. Something that occurs often in the workplace among immigrant workers. We look forward to collaborating with Department of Labor and other stakeholders to ensure effective implementation, so that immigrant workers across New Jersey are fully aware of their rights.” "Immigrant workers are the backbone of our state - New Jersey is a state of immigrants, and no one should fear retaliation or deportation based on their status. On behalf of the members of Make the Road New Jersey, we commend sponsors Senator Ruiz and Assemblywoman Collazos, and thank Governor Murphy and Lt. Governor Way for their support of this vital legislation," said Garrett O'Connor, director of worker organizing, Make the Road NJ. “This is a significant step forward in New Jersey’s efforts to embody its values of inclusivity and fairness,” said Marleina Ubel, Senior Policy Analyst at New Jersey Policy Perspective. “Despite federal protections, undocumented workers are more likely to face discrimination and exploitation in the workplace. Supporting all workers means ensuring immigrants are protected from retaliation and feel empowered to speak out about unlawful behavior from their employers without fear of deportation.” |
Seems my response has to Snackberger has been deleted by InsiderNJ. I guess I've been cancelled
Wow, this proves democrats 💙 illegal aliens 👿
Henry, Peter and Jefferson are all brain-dead Trumptard scum with the combined IQ of an amoeba. Nowhere in the story does it say "protect illegal immigrants". It simply says employers cannot use their status as a weapon. As for November, get ready for President Kamala Harris.
What ever you say. Seems you're just looking to argue and in typical liberal fashion resort to insults and name calling. Well old man, I hope one of the illegals you care for so much rapes and murders one of your family. You would change your mind.
When asked to document the $6000 a month statement, you do not. When reading a story about protections for locally employed workers you claim works are not working, they are committing violent crimes. You do a bait and switch response because you are just angry at all immigrants, not just criminals. Your response to a deeply complex issue is immature.
Criminals, gang banger, drug cartel members are not paying taxes and they are not paying into social security. Today's Illegal aliens are not immigrants. They are not coming here to become American. They are coming for every possible government give away benefits possible. We cannot afford this.
$6000 cash per person, per month? Please share actual valid documentation. Also, social,security is working in part due to BILLIONS a year paid by illegals that never collect.costs states, saves feds. For a fun side read, read up on Montclair mt Caramel church, and also Minnie Lucy. The Montclair community fed, clothed, taught English and childcare to immigrant Italians. All free. Nothing new.
One other item Mr. Old in NJ. We spend about 4 BILLION DOLLARS/YEAR on illegals. We give illegal aliens for free education, free healthcare, free housing, free legal services, free food stamps, free cash ($6,000/month per illegal). This is taxpayer money. We have allowed criminals, gang members in. We have allowed for massive influx of drugs. Now, if you, a friend or a family member have had any experience with violent crime, rape or murder at the hands of an ILLEGAL ALIEN you would realize the ignorance, foolishness and stupidity of your position. I hope something like this never impacts you or your family.
If you read and understand my comments, I did state that companies hiring illegal aliens must also be held accountable. And stop with the "living wage" crap. How much higher minimum wage is acceptable. Liberals will always demand more. This is a fact
The nastiness in comments is shameful. The major criminals who make this exist are the company owners who hire illegal workers at low wages, demand kickbacks, threaten the workers. The owners who refuse to pay a living wage to legal workers are the root cause. If they hired citizens and paid the legal wages would we see fewer nice yards, takeout restaurants and small construction companies?
I will add one other fact here. The leadership, ownership and writers of InsiderNJ are 100% in agreement with this and other benefits for illegals, at taxpayer expense. They cannot even bring themselves to say illegals. They are all "undocumented immigrants." I suppose the corner drug dealer is an undocumented pharmacist? -
They are illegal. They must be deported and anyone hiring them should be criminally liable for not only the hiring but for any criminal conduct. How stupid can we be. Let's throw ILLEGAL ALIENS money, benefits, free medical insurance, free education, free food, free housing and much more, all at the expense of American citizens. Half-dead Biden, Border Czar Kamala (Giggles) Harris and all the liberal democrats, including Murphy, Mikie Sherrill, Booker, Menendez and other liberal NJ representatives, caused this influx of illegal aliens. This is a fact. What country in the world allows anyone in, all the time, provide benefits and ultimately grants amnesty? What country in the world allows in all types of violent gang members, criminals, some mentally disturbed or diseased, some terrorists, etc. The very anti-American liberals now controlling the country, including Murphy, are ruining America. The country understands that liberals willingly permitted some ten million illegals into the country. This must stop. The border needs to be defended and no amnesties granted.
Protections for illegal immigrants???? They are criminals the instant they stepped foot across the American border without first going through the proper process of LEGAL immigration. What a bunch of Bull Scat. “Immigrant workers participate in New Jersey’s labor force at a rate 5.2% higher than native-born workers. They deserve equal protections,” said Erik Cruz Morales, Policy and Advocacy Manager with New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice. THIS IS BECAUSE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE TAKING JOBS FROM REAL AMERICANS!!!!!! They are stealing jobs from minority communities, like blacks, whites and legal immigrants. Why??? Because they are a cheaper form of labor. Employers pay them less because they keep their mouths shut. Time to deport ALL illegal (criminal) aliens and any employers who support their illegal activities be jailed for a minimum of 5 years and have their contractor licenses revoked permanently.
What are ILLEGAL immigrants doing here in the first place?!