ADG has Got to Go Rally Morphs into Condemnation of the HCDO

There's nothing all that historically virtuous about the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO).
So it's not surprising that a mishap on the road by a local politician - a one time county Democratic chair no less - has generated fierce condemnation from critics of the way politics works in Hudson.
As most political observers know, Amy DeGise, the former chair and current Jersey City councilwoman, was driving a vehicle that collided with a bike on a city street about two weeks ago. The biker, Andrew Black, was not seriously injured. DeGise left the scene, although she did report the accident to the police about six hours later.
Video from city street cameras shows DeGise's vehicle moving through the intersection, striking the bike and continuing on its way. Black is seen walking away from his bike, which lies in the street.
The video also seems to show that Black drove through a red light, a rather consequential fact.
The political fallout from the incident so far has concentrated solely on DeGise's failure to stop at the scene.
After a few calls for her resignation, a rally imploring her to quit was held Saturday in Jersey City.
She has said through a spokesman that she will not quit.
Among the chants at the rally were - "ADG has got to go."
"ADG?" We get it; stands for Amy DeGise.
Still, reducing a name to three initials makes for some heady comparisons, Think RBG and AOC for starters.
One of those speaking was Black, the biker who was hit.
"I'm very humbled to be here today. I feel grateful to be alive." he said.
Soon, the rally morphed into negative commentary about the Hudson Democratic establishment.
Hector Oseguera, who challenged party leaders when he ran for Congress in 2020 against Albio Sires, was a featured speaker.
He spoke of a "corrupt and broken" political system that cares only about money.
Others echoed those thoughts, noting that the hallmark of a corrupt system is when the well-connected think they can do wrong and get away with it.
Rhetoric aside, DeGise is not really getting away with anything.
She did receive two summonses - one for not reporting the accident and another for leaving the scene.
All this eventually will reach the courtroom, where all the facts presumably will be considered.
That has to include DeGise leaving the scene and also the biker's running of a red light.
How about the bodycam footage from 11/21, of her trying to get out of a being towed & a ticket for expired registration (2 years), saying she was endorsed by the police, has a family member in law enforcement, & is an elected official?!