AG Grewal and Col. Callahan Issue Weekly Round-Up on COVID-19 Enforcement Matters

TRENTON – Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and Colonel Patrick J. Callahan, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police, today announced enforcement highlights from the past week, including coughing and spitting assaults and bias incidents, and noteworthy violations of Governor Murphy’s Executive Orders. The Attorney General also announced enforcement actions targeting price-gouging, other consumer fraud violations, and alcoholic beverage control violations.
“We’re cracking down on those who jeopardize public health and undermine public safety,” said Attorney General Grewal. “We have zero patience for those who spit on cops, gouge prices, or try to exploit this pandemic for their personal gain.” “Although law enforcement and medical professionals are on the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19, we are ultimately winning the war because of the extraordinary resolve and fortitude of New Jersey citizens who are doing their part day in and day out, abiding by the executive orders and sacrificing for the greater good,” said Colonel Patrick Callahan, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police. “Those who choose to ignore the law and selfishly place others at risk will face swift law enforcement action.” Assaults and Threats Against Police Officers, EMTs, or Others
Bias Incidents
Theft of Personal Protective Equipment
Other Criminal Charges Involving Indictable Offenses
Price Gouging Enforcement AG Grewal announced updates on the Division of Consumer Affairs’ actions to stop price gouging. As of this week:
Since the start of the COVID-19 emergency, the Division has logged a total of 3,907 price-gouging complaints involving 2,234 locations. Nearly 90 percent of the complaints allege unlawful price hikes on essential items like food, bottled water, cleaning products, and personal protective equipment such as masks, disinfectants and sanitizers. In addition to price gouging, the Division is looking into complaints from consumers alleging unlawful refund practices as a result of closures related to the COVID-19 health emergency. To date, the Division’s overall complaints include 183 reports of health clubs, hotels, ticket agents and other businesses allegedly refusing to issue refunds after they closed or suspended services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. New Jersey’s price-gouging law, which took effect on March 9 upon Governor Murphy’s declaration of a state of emergency, prohibits excessive price increases during a declared state of emergency and for 30 days after its termination. A price increase is considered excessive if the new price is more than 10 percent higher than the price charged during the normal course of business prior to the state of emergency, and the increased price is not attributable to additional costs imposed by the seller’s supplier or additional costs of providing the product or service during the state of emergency. Price-gouging and other consumer fraud violations are punishable by civil penalties of up to $10,000 for the first violation and $20,000 for the second and subsequent violations. Violators may also be required to pay consumer restitution, attorney’s fees, and investigative fees, and will be subject to injunctive relief. Each sale of merchandise is considered a separate violation. Consumers who suspect consumer fraud, violations, or believe that businesses have unfairly increased their prices in response to COVID-19, are encouraged to file complaints online to report specific details investigators can follow up on. Photographs of items being sold, receipts and pricing can now be uploaded to our new price gouging complaint form. Other Violations of Executive Orders, Including “Stay at Home” Order, and Ordinances
Violation of the emergency orders is a disorderly persons offense carrying a sentence of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Such violations are charged by summons, without arrest. COVID-Related Violations of State Alcohol Laws AG Grewal announced this action by the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control against a licensee: Billings, Inc. the entity that holds the liquor license for the Post Time Pub in Blairstown, agreed to accept a 45-day license suspension beginning April 17, pending final resolution of ABC charges seeking to revoke the pub’s liquor license for twice violating emergency orders limiting bars and restaurants to take-out service only. The charges, filed by ABC on April 6, allege the licensee placed the public in imminent danger by serving alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption on March 27 and April 2. The charges were filed by ABC after the business was twice issued charges and flouted local law enforcement efforts. The suspension is in the nature of a temporary restraint of Billings, Inc.’s privilege to sell alcohol during the COVID-19 public health emergency. As the merits of the charges have not been determined and the emergency is continuing to evolve, ABC’s Enforcement Bureau may seek to extend the suspension and Billings, Inc. may seek to lift or modify the suspension. Since the state of emergency was declared in New Jersey on March 9, at least 24 people have been charged with second-degree terroristic threats during an emergency for spitting, coughing, or otherwise threatening to deliberately expose officers, medical personnel, or others to COVID-19. Second-degree offenses carry a sentence of five to 10 years in state prison and a fine of up to $150,000. Third-degree charges carry a sentence of three to five years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000, while fourth-degree charges carry a sentence of up to 18 months in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. The charges are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. If you are seeing a lack of compliance with the Governor’s emergency orders in your town, please contact your local police department or report here The Attorney General’s Office and New Jersey State Police will continue to work with law enforcement throughout New Jersey to deter non-complaint behavior. No one should take advantage of this pandemic to further their own biased agendas. COVID-19 is no excuse to promote anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and or other biased stereotypes. Please report bias crimes at 1-800-277-BIAS. |