AG must Investigate Reach of White Supremacist Activities in NJ

Governor Phil Murphy and Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal:

On January 6, 2021 the United States of America underwent a terrorist attack from white supremacist extremists, insurrectionists, radical Republicans and white nationalists. The attacks on Capitol Hill were a failed coup d’état that aimed to kill congressional members and violently overturn the 2020 Presidential election results. These riots have cost many lives, including multiple Capitol Hill officers who have been killed or committed suicide as a result of these criminal activities.

We are now aware that many people, including public officials, government employees, military personnel, law enforcement members and elected officials are under investigation for helping coordinate the terrorist attacks and engaging in illegal activities inside Capitol Hill. Yesterday, two National Guardsmen were removed from the inauguration duties due to their ties with extreme right-wing groups. The FBI is investigating the role of police officers from Maryland, Washington DC, Texas, a firefighter from New York, and countless others for their involvement.

Recently, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill shared her observation of Republican members of congress who allegedly aided and coordinated with the violent mob to attack Capitol Hill. News stations are now reporting that a NJ Army Reservist with secret-level security clearance who is a devout Neo-Nazi and white supremist played an important role in the Capitol insurrection. These are very alarming reports, and as history shows, these attacks will continue. We will see more of these targeted attacks on the local level, against communities of color, especially the Black community.

We demand that the office of the Attorney General open investigations against white supremacist extremists in New Jersey, especially those who were involved in the Capitol Hill terroristic attacks and who pose threats to New Jersey citizens, communities of color, the Black community and the most vulnerable. The Office of Public Integrity and Accountability is not an effective tool to root out dangerous white supremeist extremists. We must be proactive, aggressive and learn from the unpreparedness of Washington DC intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

NJ Clergy Coalition for Justice

Pastor David Ford, Sr.
Father Jack Martin
Rev. Dollie Hamlin
Dr. Ronald L. Owens
Dr. Michael Granzen
Rev. Ramon Collazo
Rev. Archie Cummings, Jr
Rev. Howard A. Bryant
Minister Archange Antoine
Rev. Carmine Pernini
Rev. Kathryn Irwin
Bishop Wayne L. Johnson
Rev. James Moore
Rev. William Ingram
Deacon Joseph William
Pastor Barry Wise
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One response to “AG must Investigate Reach of White Supremacist Activities in NJ”

  1. If one wants to continue the narrative pushed for 4 years since Hillary Clinton labeled all Trump supporters as “Deplorables and racist” gladly echoed by the media, then don’t expect you will overcome that narrative and replace it with unity, if the first thing you do is launch an investigation on “White Supremacy”. Forget the fact that what pushed the Trump campaign over the top was those within the Democratic Party who opposed the prior 16 years of continuing and expanding global wars that we were engaged in, the creation of the Surveillance State of F.I.S.A., torture, mass surveillance, and then the fake Hillary campaign narrative of “Democratic Party Unity” after they smashed the Sanders and O’Malley campaigns. Does the Democratic Party recognize it is so fractured that there is an increasing “Walk-Away Movement” even now larger than in 2016 and an easily recognizable African- American and Hispanic voting bloc that could easily increasingly be seen at the numerous Trump rallies across the country. You will not be able to scare the growing voter discontent at the politics as usual approach to those who will try to jam a “Green New Deal” of further collapse of the manufacturing, agricultural, and infrastructure of the United States, while China continues its march of success on building 50,000 kilometers of high speed freight and passenger trains, launches its own space station and works with other nations to help build their infrastructure and similar rail and electrical grids. Will you try to blame all that and more on a U.S. Senator Joe McCarthy style witch hunt against “Trump’s White Supremacist African-American, Hispanic and other supporters”. Where is the Democratic Party of “We will do the hard things” like “Travel to the Moon, to the end of the solar system, and beyond.” The President who worked with Russia to stop the march toward thermo-nuclear war, and tried to help the developing nations become developed nations. If you seek to find cooperative solutions to these present problems then their may be successes, but if you seek only to find more disunity, you may be rewarded, but the reward may be

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