AG's Office Investigating Death of Man in Trenton Police Custody

The Attorney General’s Office is conducting an investigation into the death of a man that occurred today in the City of Trenton while the decedent was in police custody.
The investigation is being conducted by the Integrity Bureau within the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability and the New Jersey State Police Homicide Unit.
At approximately 11:48 a.m., the Trenton Police Department responded to a report of a disturbed man outside of St. Francis Hospital. Officers located the subject, who allegedly attempted to flee. Officers said they pursued and restrained him. During the encounter with Trenton Police officers, the man became unresponsive, according to the AG's Office. Medical assistance was provided by police and emergency medical personnel, but the man was pronounced dead at St. Francis Hospital.
The identity of the person is not being released at this time, according to the AG's Office. The investigation is ongoing and no further information is being released.
This investigation is being conducted pursuant to a law enacted in January 2019, Senate Bill 1036, which requires that the Attorney General’s Office conduct investigations of a person’s death that occurs during an encounter with a law enforcement officer acting in the officer’s official capacity or while the decedent is in custody.
I hope those officers are charged and fired from the force. ST Francis medical center should also be sued by the man's family. That man doesn't deserve to die like that inside of a hospital parking lot without any help. It was his scream for " Help, Help I can't breathe, Help.. Help" that woke me up from my sleep. I watched from the window of my home across the street (chambers st)as officers stood over that man for a good 30 minutes as he lay there dying in hospital parking lot. Every few seconds he screamed "help" "I can't breathe" "Help". They kept going back and forth to their patrol car and they did nothing to help as he lay there dying on the hospital ground. No one from the hospital came out to help until after about 30 minutes when the man was finally unresponsive (dead), more and more officers( about 7 patrol cars) pulled on the scene blocking the flow of traffic, and then the doctors and nurses finally came rushing out of the building acting like they were so concern. Me and my family were saying to our selves, "where was that sense of urgency 30 minutes ago when it was needed" You would think they would bring a bed out of the hospital building right? Nope. They waited for the ambulance which came from somewhere else. The ambulance came from across Hamilton ave. They put him in the ambulance and took him away. It was a white skin guy with some tattoos on his left arm