Ali Euphoric over ‘Huge’ Morris Turnout


In Morris County, both Democrats and Republicans concur – turnout is good.

“It’s huge,” said county GOP chair Laura Ali.

Her Democratic counterpart, Amalia Duarte, agreed, saying, “It’s good turnout between early voting, vote by mail ballots … already returned and voting today at the polls.”

Just for the record, the county has about 400,000 registered voters.

But all is not peachy.

There have been some problems.

We have learned that in Rockaway Township, some machines mixed up the Democratic and Republican candidates on the ballot. Ouch.

And in Mendham Township, in one polling place voters were incorrectly assigned to the wrong congressional district.

One reason for that problem is gerrymandering. Mendham Township is not exactly a huge place, but it is split between two districts – the 7th and the 11th.

Still, you do not expect problems like this to happen.

On the more partisan front, Duarte in her election day message to supporters said:

“The stakes couldn’t be higher. Women’s rights are on the ballot. Climate change is on the ballot. Gun control is on the ballot. Unions and fair wages are on the ballot. LGBTQ rights are on the ballot.”

As for Republicans, here is their message:

“Today is the day we take our country back by taking Congress back and firing Nancy Pelosi.”

Ever mindful of chicanery at the polls, the state GOP also implored the faithful to call a special hotline number if they encounter any problems when voting.

“See Something, Say Something” was the message.

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