Ali: #MeToo Champion Mikie Sherrill Silent On Bloomberg Misogyny

In advance of Mike Bloomberg’s debate premiere tonight, the NJGOP is calling on Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill to break her silence and address the claims of misogyny against her endorsed Presidential candidate.
Outlets have reported a number of allegations against Bloomberg, including this one from CNN:
They include claims from the 1990s that prior to a male colleague’s wedding, Bloomberg told a group of female employees to “line up to give him a blow job as a wedding present”; that he would regularly direct comments like “look at that nice piece of ass” at women in the office; and that upon learning that a female employee was expecting a baby, he responded: “Kill it!”
Sherrill claims that President Donald J. Trump’s so-called “attacks on women” were her motivation to run, but she has been silent on allegations against Bloomberg and touted his “integrity” in her endorsement.
Morris County Republican Chairwoman Laura Ali released the following statement:
“Congresswoman Sherrill has had opportunity after opportunity to be a leader in her own Party, but each time she has passed. Whether it has been any of the host of toxic workplace scandals under Phil Murphy or her endorsement of potential misogynist Mike Bloomberg, I think the women of New Jersey know they can’t count on Mikie Sherrill to stand up for them. Good thing voters in NJ-11 have an opportunity to vote her out in November.”
It's interesting to hear an apologist for the rapist-in-chief attack an establishment politician over sexual misconduct and harassment, but this is a great chance to throw them all out of the public domain. Whether you pay off porn stars with hush money to hide infidelity or run a large institution where abusive behavior is something wome are told to get used to, it is time for leadership to stop defending the indefensible. Shame belongs to the men in positions of power who exploit women but something far worse hangs around the necks of women who embolden them and ignore the consequences for victims.