In Altman Aftermath, Currie Decries the 'Enablers of Chris Christie'
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In a Tuesday email blast, Democratic State Committee Chairman John Currie and Vice Chair Peg Schaffer bewailed the state trooper-ejection of Sue Altman from a senate hearing room.
"Monday in Trenton, free speech, transparency and accountability for billions in [bubbleAutoLink text="corporate tax breaks" id="55148"] were all on the line," said Currie and Schaffer. "And we saw two very different views.
"On one side were the enablers of Chris Christie, the defenders of corporate welfare and of leaving people in Camden behind while highrises with helicopter pads received millions in questionable tax incentives. There was George Norcross, an unelected political boss arrogantly trying to whitewash his scandal of billions of taxpayer dollars apparently wasted and fraudulently awarded to big corporations connected to him.
"That side was so desperate to hold onto power that they had state troopers literally drag away those who dared to disagree with them. But Governor Murphy called out this outrageous behavior, just as he called out the failed and broken corporate tax incentive programs that have enriched a select few insiders at the expense of job creation, community development and small business support."
How would you like it none if they did this to your mom, wife or sister. Your a total nothing
This was horrible to drag a human being out like this. It was a serious civil rights violation. Altman did NOT deserve to be mistreated It shows the level of ignorance and wrongdoing in South Jersey
Altman is a professional protester. She got what she wanted ..ATTENTION. She has no positive agenda, she just likes to be loud.