Altman Loses to the Kean Map

BRIDGEWATER - Sue Altman really wasn't acting like a candidate - and that's a compliment, not an insult.

She arrived at her Election Night party at a local catering hall and immediately greeted reporters and everyone else who was in the room.

You got the feeling that she was having a good time no matter the outcome.

As everyone found out, the outcome was not good for her.

Incumbent Tom Kean Jr. survived, winning by about 27,000 votes.

Kean was supposed to win, given the makeup of the district.

A quick look at the numbers shows the problem Altman could not overcome.

Kean got about 60 percent of the vote in Warren and Sussex counties, meaning Altman, her robust campaign notwithstanding, made no inroads there. And she did not win Union County, the only real Democratic town in the district by the margin she needed.

No matter.

As we suggested, Altman was enjoying herself at her party.

She talked about giving the campaign all she had. Others came to the podium to extol her attributes, almost as if this were a campaign rally and not an election night gathering.

Who knows if she will give it another go in 2026.

One thing seems certain.

Tom Kean won his race - propelled obviously by favorable registration and a famous political name - but he can learn something from Altman. Really.

That would be the basic traits a political leader is supposed to have. Things like talking to reporters, publicizing your schedule and engaging with the public.

Kean does none of those things.

One interesting tidbit of the campaign is that Altman had seven town halls. That normally is what a congressman does, not the challenger.

Kean, most infamously, has no public engagements.

Kean's political advantages in CD-7 will always make him a good candidate.

But it takes more than that to be a good public official.




Previous comments for: Altman Loses to the Kean Map

  1. Tamas Ormosi says:

    What did Hunterdon,Sussex and Warren counties have to vote for? Remember these are Republican counties not Progressive areas. You have to take interest in the District , not only during election cycles. Give them something to vote for. They have issues too. Not all Republicans are happy with their party, give them something to vote for, that affects their lives.

  2. Tamas Ormosi says:

    You have to have something for voters to vote for. Those are different in different parts of our state. Listen to what voters are saying.

  3. Henry says:

    In a chaotic political environment quiet service is admirable and shows character. Americans are fed up with politicians who say anything to get money and votes, but don't "walk the talk".

  4. Ann Marie Peterson says:

    This reply is for Thomas Jefferson: Take note how the people are behaving with this loss versus the way MAGA cultists did on January 6, 2021.

  5. Ann Marie Peterson says:

    The people have spoken and chose Putin, lies, misinformation, hate, racism and misogyny. Few believe the truth or facts any more . Great job, America. 😡😢

  6. Margaret says:

    As a Democrat, I say the cruelty and horrific attitude of lording over someone else's grief shows how some people are so out of touch with the gentle beauty within themselves. So sad. Just so sad...

  7. Thomas Jefferson says:

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Altman loses!!!! The Democrats lose!!!!! TRUMP WINS!!!!!! TRUMP WINS!!!!! TRUMP WINS!!!!! What do you Demoncrat parasites have to say for yourself now??????????? Wait for it---RAMPAGING SCREAMING FROM THE TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME 2.0!!!!!!!

  8. Griffin says:

    Obviously, CD-7 is not yet ready for its own AOC-like squad member.

  9. genral hoe says:

    her platform destroyed womens rights as she supports MEN IN OUR BATHROOMS PURE PATRIARCHAL RULE

  10. genral hoe says:


  11. Doug Chapman says:

    Agree with the first 2 comments. Kean had the advantages of incumbency and a famous NJ name, but as noted in the article, he failed in his basic responsibilities as a candidate. Sue Altman ran a strong campaign and her vote proportion was respectable at 46%. I hope she runs again in 2 years; she represents the kind of leadership that NJ needs.

  12. Kathleen Demarest says:

    Tom Kean, Jr. won. BUT ….. the constituents of CD 7 lost!

  13. Regina M Gragnano-Vitti says:

    What a tough loss for a fabulous candidate in Sue Altman. A measured and intelligent candidate that NJ7 needed. Carry on and keep the faith.

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