Ambition for Hudson Chairmanship thwarted, Stack Relevance Nonetheless Enhanced by Statewide Politics

In the aftermath of the Union-disastrous first day of the battle of Shiloh, Grant told a crestfallen Sherman, "We'll lick 'em tomorrow," famously bucking up the ferocious field general.
There was no such interaction between Brian P. Stack and Steve Fulop in the wake of Stack's loss to Amy DeGise.
Stack was irritated by Fulop's role in the [bubbleAutoLink text="Hudson war" id="26483"], and once it was over, he didn't feel like talking.
He also didn't feel like plotting.
The word was Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise would pursue another term next year, and Stack wouldn't stand in the way.
The 33rd District senator/Union City Mayor went back to City Hall and immersed himself in local and legislative work this summer, his ambition for the chairmanship thwarted - but his political relevance enhanced by statewide politics.
The ongoing fight between Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-3) and Governor Phil Murphy gives Stack a chance to do something at odds with his warlike political nature: play the role of peacemaker.
Frustrated by Sweeney's resistance to his personal overtures, Murphy has turned to the ever-cellphone ubiquitous Stack.
Stack and Sweeney are close, always have been.
Murphy hopes Stack - who reportedly likes the Governor personally and has a longstanding record of good relations with governors - can help smooth over the jagged edges.
Then there's U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ).
The incumbent Democrat is pursuing reelection against GOP challenger Bob Hugin in what most political observers believe will be a tight statewide election.
Menendez probably requires strong totals in Essex and Hudson.
Stack's longtime standing as a proven vote-getter in the 33rd District makes him that mush more relevant.
Word is Menendez is in regular contact with Stack, intent on good relations with his fellow Union City diehard and - regardless of who's serving as chair in Hudson, or who is talking to whom - leaning on the results-driven mayor/senator.