Amid What He Says Are Some 'Petrified' Voting Members, Salters Calls for Closed Feb. 21st Vote in Union

HIllside Democratic Chairman Anthony Salters, running to head up the Union County Democratic Committee, wants a closed voting process on Feb. 21st to minimize the chance of voter intimidation, he said today.
"There comes a point in time where as leaders we have to understand the difference between 'correct' and 'right', Satlers said. "Not only do we need to understand we have to act and demonstrate that we understand. It is correct the antiquated bylaws call for an open vote. The clear right thing to do is have a closed ballot vote using voter machines for the UCDC Chairperson election on February 21st.
"The fact that we will spend time to even justify a closed ballot vs open ballot to preserve the integrity of the election process is disappointing unto itself," the local chairman added. "We have been approached directly by county and municipal employees throughout Union County who are literally petrified that an open vote, with municipal chairs and elected officials staring and monitoring their selection, in 2018 nonetheless, is the ultimate form of voter intimidation and suppression. They are fearful their jobs can be effected. It's not fair to everyone, candidates included. It taints an important process and I ask my opponents to join me in demanding a closed ballot vote" said Anthony Salters, UCDC Chairperson candidate."

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