Amy Kennedy Announces Infrastructure Plan for South Jersey

Earlier today, Amy Kennedy, candidate for New Jersey’s Second Congressional District, announced her Infrastructure Plan for South Jersey. Amy was joined by Governor Phil Murphy and Wildwood Mayor Pete Byron in front of the Middle Thorofare Bridge, which is in desperate need of federal funding for repairs.
“Once a symbol of Jersey Shore summers and a booming tourism industry, the Middle Thorofare Bridge is now a reminder of communities who are struggling and need an economic lifeline,” said Mayor Pete Byron of Wildwood. “I’m grateful for the leadership of Governor Murphy and Amy Kennedy who are pushing forward to better our communities.”
“We know that South Jersey was struggling even before COVID-19 hit, now we’re in crisis. We need strong and bold leadership,” said Amy Kennedy, candidate for New Jersey’s Second Congressional District. “Today, I am putting forward a comprehensive infrastructure plan to secure the major infrastructure investments South Jersey needs—in our roads and bridges; our bulkheads and seawalls; and our schools and broadband systems.”
Kennedy continued, “Jeff Van Drew has refused time and again to advocate for our community. He pledged his undying loyalty to Donald Trump, but instead of advocating for funding, he asked for a political rally. Instead of change, he’s seeking personal gain.”
“We need to elect Amy to Congress for many reasons, but one of them is that she is from here and her family has lived here for generations,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “She understands South Jersey because she’s lived in South Jersey.”
“Amy is committed to getting things done. Whether that’s investment in much needed infrastructure, ensuring that everyone has access to affordable health care, or helping to bring good-paying jobs to South Jersey. Amy understands what I and the Mayor understand — we can’t let South Jersey crumble.”
She uses the word "investments" a lot. She means higher taxes. Another Dem gas bag.
Where's the beef? No details on the plan. Today I am announcing that liberal Kennedy's plan would destroy SJ.