Andy Kim Campaign to Make Special Announcement


After a labor-intensive day of counting, Democrat Andy Kim tonight at his Mount Laurel headquarters at 8:30 p.m. plans to announce that he feels well positioned to be the next congressman to represent the 3rd District, according to a source. (Kim announced that he's won).

Whether such a statement, which amounts to a declaration if victory by the Democrat, comes with a GOP concession, is unclear at the moment.

When asked if the two rivals had spoken about finishing the contest prior to a counting of the provisionals, the source said they hadn't.

"He's planting the flag," said the source.

Democrats appeared confident, even without a provisional vote tally.

The challenger's efforts in Burlington County - where he defeated incumbent U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3) by 30,000 votes - prove too wide a margin for MacArthur to overcome in the more Republican Ocean County half of the district, according to a source close to Team Kim.

His razor-thin win followed a day of vote by mail ballot counting.

The tally this afternoon stood at 148,580 votes for Kim and 145,958 for MacArthur - a 2,622 Kim edge.

A Kim win would leave U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (R-4) as the sole surviving Republican member of the 12-person New Jersey Congressional delegation.

One operative noted that the Democrats are at the official verge of almost completely taking over the delegation even though the GOP won the map as part of 2011 redistricting which at the time eliminated a Democrat and narrowed the size of the delegation from 13 to 12 members.

A Republican diehard conceded the race was over.

"Yep," he told InsiderNJ. "Kim's provisionals in BurlCo. Shame for Mac; outstanding guy. Kim may survive the presidential election but I wonder how much Ocean will want to take the seat back in four years."

From the Campaign:

Andy Kim Campaign to Make Special Announcement

MT. LAUREL, NJ -- Due to today’s election updates, the Andy Kim for Congress Campaign will be making a special announcement.


Time: 8:30pmEST

Place: 139 Gaither Dr. Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054


Be advised, announcement will begin promptly at 8:30pmEST.


Previous comments for: Andy Kim Campaign to Make Special Announcement

  1. custom55 says:

    GO Andy !!!

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