Another Name Surfaces in the Murphy AG Back Drama: Ricardo Solano

A former first assistant Attorney General of New Jersey from 2008 to 2010, white collar crime expert Ricardo Solano has surfaced as a possible AG option, according to sources close to the process.

Attorney Phil Sellinger and Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez remain in contention for the job, as does attorney Angelo Genova.

A second source noted to InsiderNJ that at least "two powerful attorneys" have sharp elbowed their way to the front of the pack for the job of Labor Commissioner. While no source has confirmed this, it is possible that labor commissioner could emerge as a consolation prize for the second place finisher in the AG scrap.

A third source noted that it is very early in the process, with the transition team only newly formed, and cautioned - with a few exceptions, already broken by InsiderNJ, including Peter Cammarano at COS and LG-elect Sheila Oliver at the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) - against any hard and fast conclusions about the cabinet.

Solano is real, a source insisted, while admitting that Suarez is the obvious insiders' choice.

While serving as the state's second highest-ranking prosecutor, Solano oversaw the Divisions of Criminal Justice, Law, Consumer Affairs, and Gaming Enforcement. He also previously served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, where he prosecuted cases involving violations of federal anti-corruption and bribery statutes, mail fraud, tax evasion, export control law violations, pharmaceutical and other product diversion schemes, and cyberstalking.

He also served in the Appeals Division, arguing criminal appeals before the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.

Solano is a partner at Freidman Kaplan.


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