Anti-Psychopath PAC Ad Targets Voters in Trump Hometowns

Today George Conway’s Anti-Psychopath PAC launched a new six-figure ad campaign featuring this 60-second spot, which plays clips of Trump’s own allies calling him a narcissist who is unfit for office.

The ad will run on cable and digital for the next week in Bedminster, NJ, and Palm Beach, FL, around Trump’s homes, and in the swing states of PA and WI. It will also run in Columbia, SC, Tallahassee, FL, and Austin, TX, targeting Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, all featured in the video.

By using the voices of Trump’s current and former allies, the ad shows that even his people know he’s unfit for the White House. Let me know if you would like to be connected with spokespeople for comment.

The 60-second ad, which you can watch here, will run nearly 500 times across cable TV. It shows Trump sitting in the Oval Office, with a voiceover of George saying: “Hey Donald, all your friends, all the people who have worked with you—they think you’re nuts.” It then shows clips of real past statements from Trump allies, including:

  • Ted Cruz: “The man cannot tell the truth. And he combines it with being a narcissist.
  • Paul Ryan: “He’s a populist authoritarian narcissist.”
  • John Bolton: “Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States.”
  • Bill Barr: “Our country cannot be a therapy session for a troubled man like this.”
  • Lindsey Graham: “He is not fit to be president of the United States.”

The campaign will run for one week on cable and digital platforms, targeting Trump and his current and former allies in their home media markets. These include Palm Beach, FL and Bedminster, NJ (Trump), as well as South Carolina (Graham), Florida (Rubio), and Texas (Cruz). The ad will also run digitally in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, bringing the message to voters that Trump is unfit for office.

Anti-Psychopath PAC remains committed to ensuring voters are fully informed about the dangers of letting a deranged man like Trump back into office. Recently he responded on Truth Social to one of our campaigns. And in a recent rally in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump talked about how his comradeship with dictators amounted to a “personality defect,” which echoed our PAC’s launch video, in which Conway pointed out that Trump’s authoritarianism and his love of authoritarians stemmed from Trump’s personality disorders.

“By using the words of people inside Trump’s own party, we’re highlighting the fact that many of those who are closest to Trump recognize his instability,” said George Conway, president of Anti-Psychopath PAC. “This campaign is delivering the message that concerns about Trump’s mental fitness aren’t just coming from his opponents — they’re coming from the very people who know him best. And they should not be ignored.”

Previous comments for: Anti-Psychopath PAC Ad Targets Voters in Trump Hometowns

  1. SMKelly says:

    "Greater Good/" Really? That is the name you chose? Ok Greater Good, how does voting for Kamala Harris serve the greater good? Tell me what policies she endorses, and the details of those policies, that serve the greater good. Oh...and while you are at it, define the greater good. I will tell you my definition of the greater good. The greater good for the USA is achieved when the Constitution is followed and the Republic is fostered. The USA is not a democracy and you instantly know you are talking to a moron when someone says it is. The USA is a constitutional, capitalist Republic, founded upon Judeo-Christian principles recognizing that man has inalienable rights granted to him by God. The United States is 50 separate little countries that banded together to form a Republic. When the Republic is preserved, the greater good is achieved. Things that protect the greater good are 1) recognizing the rights of states to govern themselves; 2) border security; 3) a manufacturing base that insures your country exports more than it imports and tariffs are used to balance the scales when countries use, essentially, slave labor to make their products; 4) LIMITED INVOLVEMENT IN FOREIGN DISPUTES, and 5) any policy that promotes the enrichment of the middle class e.g. a reduction in the welfare population, increased industry, lower taxation, reducing/eliminating support to foreign countries/the U.N./ridiculous studies, etc. Donald Trump stands for everything I have written above. Show your true desire to support the greater good and vote for Trump.

  2. SMKelly says:

    Thomas Jefferson is right. All of the people that POS, Conway, cited as speaking out against Trump are now all for him except for the war hawk, Bolton. Everyone remembers Bolton, right? He's the guy that demanded Trump bomb Iran because they shot down an UN-MANNED drone. anyone in their right mind would listen to Bolton. This election comes down to a matter of capitalism vs. communism/globalism. The Democrat party fell victim to the Fabian movement in the 1870's and never looked back. The Democrat party is America's communist party. Pretty disgusting.

  3. Jim says:

    Coral = corral. Pardon the typo

  4. Outside the Box says:

    Caught the end of a commercial with a lady talking about sexual advances by a president … thought she was talking about Casanova Clinton! Hypocrisy is big with Dems … or should I say Narcissists. You’d think an anti-psychopath organization would have people smart enough to see through the ridiculous barrage of propaganda and legal persecution against a person who was tough enough to stand up to the good ‘ol’ boy status quo. Heaven forbid we should have a leader who actually TALKS to other leaders like Putin. Better to just give enemy countries the cold shoulder and just kill each other. Oh and you like to kill unborn defenseless babies for no other reason that they’re an inconvenience. You people are the real psychopaths!

  5. Greater good says:

    1/2 to 1/3 of the country somehow think that a living lying psycho narcissistic authoritarian wannabe is a viable candidate to run for the highest office of the "United States of America". No doubt George, not only should Trump not be eligible to run for the Presidency he should be spending all his time trying to avoid prison for treason against "The United States of America".

  6. Benedict Donald says:

    T.J perhaps you know the convicted felon better than the people that worked alongside him, daily in the White House? A "patriot" in your eyes that as a healthy young man couldn't serve in the military because of bone spurs. Yet miraculously spent more time golfing in his seventies than people half his age. And yes for your information this is A.I. also! Actual Intelligence

  7. Michael Ferguson says:

    Yo. Jefferson! Trump sometimes becomes angry when quoted back to himself. Weak on his part. Weak on your part for failure to notice.

  8. Kathleen Demarest says:

    in regard to comment no. 1……BERATED….ASSULTED Perhaps someone should make a copy and send it to George Conway’s office in Manhattan by certified mail so he could defend himself.

  9. Eric Lewis says:

    Hey TJ, most municipalities offer free rabies shots in December thru January, make your appointment early and often.

  10. Thomas Jefferson says:

    The mere fact you cite George Conway's Anti-Psychopath PAC shows that you Democrat "useful idiots" are in desperation overdrive mode. Conway's wife, Kellyanne Conway, dumped him because he IS a psychopath. She left him because he constantly berated her and assaulted her. Bolton, Ryan, Barr and Graham are RINO Deep Staters that are part of the military-industrial complex that want to continue perpetual wars so they can continue filling their pockets with "blood" money. None of the comments can be verified, and are considered AI voice overs.

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