Antonelli Kantor: Veteran Attorney Rivera Named Equity Partner

Antonelli Kantor, P.C., is pleased to announce that Ramon E. Rivera, Esq. will be joining its firm later this year, as a named equity partner. Rivera is a great addition to the Firm’s already robust municipal practice, as the veteran attorney brings his experience and expertise in representing several municipalities as Labor Counsel.
Rivera has represented numerous municipalities and public entities both as General Counsel and Special Counsel in various areas of the law. Currently serving as municipal attorney to the Township of Irvington. He also represents numerous Boards of Education as Board Counsel and in labor matters.
Rivera brings with him his vast relationships with many elected officials and legislators throughout the State. He served on the transition team of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on the Transition Counsel Committee. He was also elected to the Essex County Democratic Committees Hall of Fame.
Both Daniel Antonelli and Jarrid Kantor, the founding members of the Firm, welcome Rivera and believe his addition will benefit existing clients of the firm to better serve their needs and act as a catalyst to continue to grow the Firm in the future.
The firm will be known as Antonelli, Kantor & Rivera, P.C.
God Bless You Ramon Rivera.