As GOP Contest Intensifies, Bramnick puts His Punches Together
By Max Pizarro |
December 2, 2024, 8:13 am | in
Caucus Room
The formal endorsement of state Senator Jon Bramnick (R-21) this morning by conservative Assemblyman Robert Auth (R-39) and Bramnick's out-of-the-gate pointed, detailed criticism of the Murphy Administration last week underscore one decisive edge possessed by the moderate Republican in the unfolding Republican Primary for Governor.
Bramnick occupies state public office, with relationships and insights derived from a forward line position in Trenton. His opponents: former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli, radio host Bill Spadea, and former state Senator Ed Durr, don't have that advantage. Certainly, MAGA Republicans make a habit of deriding elected officials generally as swamp dwellers, that is unless they or their ilk occupy elected office, in which case they adopt a self-promoting hero worshipful mode.
But Bramnick is a realist and wants to remind voters of the value of actually fulfilling public service in elected office, and relationship-building through the administrations of McGreevey, Corzine, Christie, and Murphy. "You get down there and you need to get something done, and if you're there, you don't have to ask somebody," Bramnick told InsiderNJ. It helped, he said, when Republicans in the Christie era negotiated a two-percent state spending and municipal spending cap, talked Democrats away from the edge on criminal reform laws, or helped hammer out the details related to housing and affordable housing and regional contribution agreements.
Fiscal responsibility and pragmaticism lie at the core of Bramnick's gubernatorial campaign message, and when it comes to his opponents, Spadea, for example, the veteran GOP lawmaker sees lack of real-world government experience as a significant shortfall. "I say you can hang up on people on the radio, but you can't hang up on people when you're elected to office," said the state senator. "If you had an all-Republican assembly or senate maybe you can hang up with someone who disagrees with you, but not here. This is Trenton, New Jersey, not 101.5. In my judgment, he [Spadea] wouldn't know where to start. Everybody wants to blow everything up. It's easy to say that what you'll do is you'll blow yourself up."
Ciattarelli, too, suffers in a position of unaccountability, in Bramnick's opinion. "What he does is he follows the polls and changes positions accordingly," as he did on the issue of driver's licenses for undocumented workers.
“With regard to undocumented immigrants getting a license, I believe that’s a great security measure,” Ciattarelli said in the 2021 gubernatorial debate. “They’re here. They’re not going anywhere. Let’s know who they are. Let’s give them a driver’s license. We don’t want people on our roads driving without a license, without insurance.”
That was a reversal from an earlier position.
"Ciattarelli's also been back and forth on [President-elect Donald] Trump," Bramnick said. "First, Trump's a charlatan, then he's not a charlatan. I've been consistent. I know, as Governor Tom Kean once told Chris Christie when Chris was about to become governor, your best friend is the senate president. You maintain that relationship - that friendship - even if it's with someone on the other side of the aisle, and you can get things done for the people."
Bramnick says those out of office and away from the halls of the Capitol Building where elected officials work don't develop necessary practical political and governmental skills. Those skills play out in real-time negotiating. "When Democrats wanted to raise the gas tax, we got rid of the estate tax and then made a small cut to the gas tax," he said. "We negotiated a two percent tax cap on the budget. That's the difference between Republican leadership and Democratic leadership. With Chris Christie as governor, we got those caps on municipal spending. That's the kind of thing you learn in leadership. You learn that bomb throwing aint getting it done."
Last week, Bramnick reacted quickly following a report revealing the Murphy Administration seeking five percent cuts across all government agencies due to a mounting budget deficit.
Bramnick saw it coming.
"When you see getting money from Washington, Covid money from Biden, pumped-up post-Covid income - as soon as you saw this spending where Democrats in the middle of the night took a billion dollars did it over and again, it was a clear indication you were on the wrong road," he said.
In a statement, Bramnick explained:
“Every year since Governor Murphy took office I have warned that the out-of-control spending approved by the Democrat monopoly in Trenton was irresponsible and unsustainable. The internal e-mails circulating the administration, calling for five percent cuts in every department, proves just that.
"Under Governor Murphy, New Jersey’s budget has grown by $22 billion. That is more than $2,300 in new government spending for every resident in the state in just 7 years. New Jersey taxpayers cannot afford that kind of fiscal mismanagement. Progressive groups will claim it is a taxation problem but the residents of New Jersey, who face one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, know it is a spending problem.
"The only way we will solve the fiscal crisis in New Jersey is by shrinking the size of state government and eliminating bureaucracy. As Governor I will immediately create a Government Efficiency Panel consisting of private citizens and business owners to comb through the bloated New Jersey government to find departments, programs and waste to eliminate. We don’t need more audits or studies from professional consulting firms and insiders recycling the same tired ideas. We need the job creators and taxpayers who suffer under the current bloated government structure to lead the way.
"I will also impose a 2% spending cap on the state budget to stop out of control budget growth while I am Governor and work to pass a Constitutional amendment to enshrine the cap and fiscal responsibility into our state constitution to prevent irresponsible budget growth in future administrations. New Jersey cannot afford another four years of Democrat control in Trenton and I will bring fiscal control to the State House to make New Jersey more affordable.”
Today, Bramnick's conservative colleague from his years in the Assembly issued a formal endorsement.
"I wholeheartedly endorse Jon Bramnick to be the next governor of New Jersey," said Assemblyman Auth. "He is the only Republican who can can win the general election and he will bring the authentic, consistent, honest leadership we need to the governor's office. I had the pleasure of serving with Jon in the assembly for eight years and as our Republican leader, Jon always respected opinions of every member of the caucus. No two people, even in the same political party, are 100% aligned on every issue. What is important is Jon's ability to find common ground, bringing the party together to win back the governor's seat and solve the mounting problems facing New Jersey."
Previous comments for: As GOP Contest Intensifies, Bramnick puts His Punches Together
"Bramnick saw it (the state's economic cliff) coming." The whole world saw it coming. - the question is what did Bramnick do about it? NOTHING.Proving he is a better comedian than a legislator - and unqualified to be governor
And Rober Auth should be ashamed of himself! Please don't refer to him as a conservative, a Judas is most appropriate!
LOL, no matter how he tries to spin it, this NeverTrumper leftist machine Republican will NOT get the nomination! He has been in Trenton for 21 years! What has relationship building with the Democrats brought us, the highest property taxes, one of the highest gas taxes (which is going up again on 1/1/25), the inappropriate curriculum in the public schools, inappropriate books in the child's section in the libraries, illegal immigrants all over the state collecting benefits, and abortion up till birth! We need a Governor who doesn't despise President Trump to help get the aid New Jersey needs. There's NO WAY this Establishment RINO will get the GOP nomination!
One Christie Whitman administration was enough, we don't need another one by way of Jon Bramnick!
I'm sorry, but I don't trust Bramnick. He's a puppet for both party insiders. He's a lawyer. The negotiate out of both sides of their mouths. Bramnick is nothing more than an obstruction for Jack Ciatterelli's run for governor. Bramnick will not garner enough votes, will take votes from Ciatterelli, and needs to drop out now because of it!!!!!!
In this season of giving the NJ Democratic Party " poohbah's" are trying to gift wrap next year's Governor's race to the Republicans. To the concern of many Governor Murphy made an announcement of a $3.5 billion State budget deficit that will now become Issue#1 in next year's Gubernatorial race. So what is the out of touch NJ Democratic leadership doing ? That crowd is pushing to nominate one of the two Washington DC Insiders (Sherrill/Gottheimer) ,people who have NEVER had to balance a budget or worry about how to pay for things, as their nominee. The Republicans would love to run against either of these two fiscally challenged candidates.
The last thing the people of NJ need is Washington DC money advice! While the Republicans will be running on fiscal responsibility the DC Insiders will be talking about some " Cause" issues topped off with pie in the sky spending proposals that taxpayers cannot afford.
Will the Democratic party voters, who actually pick their candidate, stand up to the " kingmakers" and choose a fiscally responsible nominee? If not then NJ will become a nice shade of red.
"Bramnick saw it (the state's economic cliff) coming." The whole world saw it coming. - the question is what did Bramnick do about it? NOTHING.Proving he is a better comedian than a legislator - and unqualified to be governor
And Rober Auth should be ashamed of himself! Please don't refer to him as a conservative, a Judas is most appropriate!
LOL, no matter how he tries to spin it, this NeverTrumper leftist machine Republican will NOT get the nomination! He has been in Trenton for 21 years! What has relationship building with the Democrats brought us, the highest property taxes, one of the highest gas taxes (which is going up again on 1/1/25), the inappropriate curriculum in the public schools, inappropriate books in the child's section in the libraries, illegal immigrants all over the state collecting benefits, and abortion up till birth! We need a Governor who doesn't despise President Trump to help get the aid New Jersey needs. There's NO WAY this Establishment RINO will get the GOP nomination! One Christie Whitman administration was enough, we don't need another one by way of Jon Bramnick!
I'm sorry, but I don't trust Bramnick. He's a puppet for both party insiders. He's a lawyer. The negotiate out of both sides of their mouths. Bramnick is nothing more than an obstruction for Jack Ciatterelli's run for governor. Bramnick will not garner enough votes, will take votes from Ciatterelli, and needs to drop out now because of it!!!!!!
In this season of giving the NJ Democratic Party " poohbah's" are trying to gift wrap next year's Governor's race to the Republicans. To the concern of many Governor Murphy made an announcement of a $3.5 billion State budget deficit that will now become Issue#1 in next year's Gubernatorial race. So what is the out of touch NJ Democratic leadership doing ? That crowd is pushing to nominate one of the two Washington DC Insiders (Sherrill/Gottheimer) ,people who have NEVER had to balance a budget or worry about how to pay for things, as their nominee. The Republicans would love to run against either of these two fiscally challenged candidates. The last thing the people of NJ need is Washington DC money advice! While the Republicans will be running on fiscal responsibility the DC Insiders will be talking about some " Cause" issues topped off with pie in the sky spending proposals that taxpayers cannot afford. Will the Democratic party voters, who actually pick their candidate, stand up to the " kingmakers" and choose a fiscally responsible nominee? If not then NJ will become a nice shade of red.