Ashamed of a President Who Refuses to Renounce the Proud Boys

What a grueling night.
I just saw the most unwatchable, sickening “debate” and am left believing we have an angry, vicious, and deranged President who knows he’s already lost the election and will do anything , anything, in his considerable power to destroy, upset, and malign the ongoing voting process so that the election can be challenged in the courts.
In his mind, Trump’s only path to victory is a forced constitutional crisis which in effect overthrows our Democracy by way of the Supreme Court; thus , the importance of the Coney-Bennett nomination. If there’s any certainty revealed to us tonight it is that Trump and his family know he cannot get re -elected in a fair and open election. He has to steal it. There is a looming darkness descending. It’s palpable.
This was not a Presidential debate; rather, it was an extraordinary embarrassment to our country. It was an unprecedented exercise in abuse and disdain meant to distract from Trump’s free-fall in the polls during this month of September. There was no attempt by Trump to add one vote. Instead, Trump doubled-down on racism and White Supremacy. He refused to renounce the racist Proud Boys, giving them instead a rallying cry.
“Stand Back, Stand By."
Let no one who watched tonight rest easy that this nightmare will end November 3rd. But a resounding victory by Joe Biden at the Ballot Box and Electoral College in November and the accompanying Fear of God is necessary to crush Trump’s subsequent attempt to seize power outside of the election process through the Supreme Court.
After what we just witnessed , it is well nigh time to save ourselves from the disastrous place we found ourselves tonight. We all love our country far too much not to pull her back from this abyss.
Bernard Kenny of Hoboken is the former state senator from LD33.
You won't see this Walk-Away Democrat rally in D.C. 10/3 on the M.S.M. newscasts.
Okay, Antifa is an anti-fascist Terrorist Organization.
Antifa and the KKK are now designated as terrorist organizations, and i don't see thousands of people associated with the Proud Boys demonstrating in places like Seattle, Washington, D.C., or Portland, and engaged in looting, rioting, and massive arson events. But i do see people as part of the BLM "Peaceful Protests", engaging in just that. I am also mindful of where the denunciations of those activities seems to come from, or be absent from.
How are the Proud Boys 'racist'? Their current leader is non-white. Their founder is in an interracial marriage and has mixed race children. Do you do any research before flying into a moral panic?
Hi, Antifa is an anti-fascist and left-wing political movement in the United States comprising of an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. Extremes on ALL sides are terrible and hurting the country. We deserve better than this. Biden supports Law Enforcement. He wants to give them better tools/resources to keep our communities safe - that means investment in mental health resources for our enforcement officers in order to deal with mental health issues in a NON-VIOLENT way. Vote for the person that will create the vision of America that you would want to live in if you didn't know who you would be born as into this country (i.e. if you were born as a boy/girl/non-identified, and white, black, latino, or native american, etc...). #VoteBidenHarris2020
Ashamed of a former VP who thinks Antifa is only an idea and won't stand up for las enforcement as cities burn.