Ashe Nadrowski at the Edge of 'Big Announcement'

Bayonne on Wednesday of this coming week expects Council President Sharon Ashe Nadrowski to formally announce her candidacy for mayor.
It is expected that the council president will run in 2022 against incumbent Mayor Jimmy Davis.
For more on the developing contest, please go here.
Per the Hudson Reporter:
Bayonne City Council President Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski has filed the paperwork to run for mayor in the upcoming election, according to recent election filings.
Ashe-Nadrowski filed the paperwork on Nov. 13 with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission. Running under the slogan “Nadrowski for Mayor,” the filing confirms what had been widely speculated over the past months.
At the bottom of this story is a teaser circulating regarding Ashe Nadrowski's announcement, and the following is some context to the race:
The council president had not yet announced her mayoral run, amid all kinds of back static about the team coming together, meetings, phone conversations, ongoing accusations, speculation, and an accelerated sense of political danger, all against the backdrop of the core fear, in the words of one Hudson wise man, of a small universe – old Bayonne – dividing and making itself vulnerable to new populations at the verge of overtaking a fiery throne room caved in on itself.
Why had Davis – who would sit in a religious service for fours hours if he had to, in order to connect with a given constituency – uncorked a war?
Could someone – anyone – get to him or to the council president in time to snuff the fuse and restore order before the sons and daughters of Doria did in the existing power structure of the town, and – like Mayor Mark Smith before Davis, another cop – ran the operation aground on an unforced political error of judgment that angered the wrong people, divided city government, and enflamed the peninsular wharf town? The source – a political insider, of course, sat at the corner of the bar grinning diabolically. “Bayonne’s better angels will not prevail,” he said.