Asm. Al Barlas addresses affordability in NJ and civil political discourse, with Steve Adubato

Asm. Al Barlas (R) of New Jersey’s 40th Legislative District, sits down with Steve Adubato to discuss affordability in New Jersey and the value of civil discourse in navigating political differences.

Steve Adubato asks Barlas what New Jersey needs to do regarding the affordability problem in the state. Barlas responds, “The state has to do more, we have to fund our schools at a better level than we do today. Granted we made a huge investment in schools this year, but we also cut funding to 100-some-odd districts, that’s just not fair. When I talk affordability, obviously many people immediately go to property taxes. There’s also what comes out of your paycheck, and the cost of your taxes, the cost of fuel, the cost of groceries, everything is an affordability issue when you talk to the average New Jerseyan. It’s not just their property taxes because plenty of people are renters, and they still have a hard time being able to afford to live here.”

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