The Assembly Agenda For Monday

Speaker Craig Coughlin says he opposed a millionaire's tax going back to October of last year, and money dumping into New Directions NJ's millionaire’s tax campaign didn’t alter his essential attitude.

Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness
Monday, March 16, 2020 - 11:00 AM
Meeting - Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, Trenton, NJ

The following bills are pending intro and referral:

A-3095-Mazzeo/DiMaio-Provides county clerks with additional week to mail ballots for 2020 primary election;

A-3813-Burzichelli/Schepisi/Lampitt/Stanfield-Permits use of virtual or remote instruction to
meet minimum 180-day school year requirement under certain circumstances;

A-3839-Carter/Bramnick-Makes supplemental appropriation of $20 million from General Fund to DOE to support school facility cleaning and sanitization;

A-3840- Lampitt/Dunn-Requires school districts to provide school meals or meal vouchers to students eligible for free and reduced price school meals during school closures due to COVID-19 epidemic;

A-3841-Pintor Marin/Bramnick-Extends time to file gross income tax or corporation business tax return by one month;

A-3842-Burzichelli-Establishes Bridging the Digital Divide in Schools Grant Program in DOE to provide and expand access to technology and equipment for students in certain school districts;

A-3843-McKeon/Bramnick-; Requires health insurance and Medicaid coverage for testing and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019, and for telemedicine during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency;

A-3844- Freiman/Greenwald-Concerns business interruption insurance during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency;

A-3845-Freiman/Greenwald/Dancer-Expands EDA small business loan program to include small businesses negatively affected by certain epidemics; makes $25 million appropriation to EDA;

A-3846-Sumter-Creates "Temporary Lost Wage Unemployment Program" to allow persons to claim for lost wages due to coronavirus disease 2019;

A-3847-Tully/DeCroce-Provides paid leave without utilizing accumulated leave for local government employees under certain circumstances; A-3848-Lopez/Munoz/Downey-Concerns time off from work in connection with infectious disease;

A-3849-Johnson-Permits public agency to respond to request for government record within 21 calendar days during period of emergency or other exigency;

A-3849-Johnson-Permits public agency to respond to request for government record within 21 calendar days during period of emergency or other exigency;

A-3850-Murphy/DeCroce-Allows local government agencies to meet electronically during declared Public Health Emergency or State of Emergency;

A-3851-Schaer/Scharfenberger-Extends deadlines for adoption of county and municipal budgets under certain circumstances;

A-3853-Jasey/Schepisi-Establishes "COVID-19 Emergency Food Distribution Fund"; appropriates $10,000,000;

A-3854-Conaway/Munoz-Authorizes licensed health care facilities and laboratories to develop and administer coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tests; allows waiver of staffing ratio requirements;

A-3855-Mosquera/Stanfield-Requires food access information be displayed on websites of 2-1-1 system and executive branch departments during public health emergencies;

A-3856-Downey-Makes FY2020 supplemental appropriation of $10 million for residential facility sanitation due to coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak;

A-3857-Coughlin-Makes FY2020 supplemental appropriation of $5 million to Community Food Bank of New Jersey to provide meals for children who are out of school and received subsidized lunches;

A-3858-Mukherji-Requires Commissioner of Human Services to issue supplemental cash assistance payments to recipients of certain public assistance programs under certain circumstances; makes appropriation;

A-3859-McKnight/Schepisi-Concerns prohibition of residential tenant eviction and eviction due to residential foreclosure during certain emergency circumstances;

A-3860-Pinkin/DeCroce-Facilitates use of telemedicine and telehealth to respond to public health emergencies; ACR-165-Mejia/Mazzeo-Urges DHS to apply for federal waivers to facilitate and increase access to SNAP benefits during coronavirus
disease 2019 outbreak;

AJR-158-DeAngelo/DePhillips-Urges FCC to take temporary measures to secure broadband access for those affected by COVID-19.

The Assembly will meet at 2pm to consider:

Under the direction of the New Jersey State Capitol Joint Management Commission,
due to concerns related to coronavirus, access to the State Capitol Complex will be
limited to members of government, government employees/contractors, credentialed
members of the press and invited participants with business in the Complex.
Speaker Coughlin will limit the number of the general public’s participation in the
session to 100 members.

Residents have another option to view and listen to the hearing and voting session
remotely at

Residents planning to attend the voting session are urged to follow CDC guidelines.
Those with compromised immune systems, chronic medical conditions or otherwise are
considered to be in a vulnerable population are urged to listen and view the
proceedings remotely.

Voting Session:

A3095 [Mazzeo, Vincent/DiMaio, John], Provides county clerks with additional week to
mail ballots for 2020 primary election

A3813 [Burzichelli, John/Schepisi, Holly/Lampitt, Pamela/Stanfield, Jean], Permits use
of virtual or remote instruction to meet minimum 180-day school year requirement
under certain circumstancesA3839 [Carter, Linda/Bramnick, Jon], Makes supplemental appropriation of $20 million
from General Fund to DOE to support school facility cleaning and sanitization

A3840 [Lampitt, Pamela/Dunn, Aura], Requires school districts to provide school meals
or meal vouchers to students eligible for free and reduced price school meals during
school closures due to COVID-19 epidemic

A3841 [Pintor Marin, Eliana/Bramnick, Jon], Extends time to file gross income tax or
corporation business tax return by one month;

A3842 [Greenwald, Louis/Taliaferro, Adam], Establishes Bridging the Digital Divide in
Schools Grant Program in DOE to provide and expand access to technology and
equipment for students in certain school districts

A3843 [McKeon, John/Bramnick, Jon], Requires health insurance and Medicaid
coverage for testing and treatment of coronavirus disease 2019, and for telemedicine
during coronavirus disease 2019

A3844 [Freiman, Roy/Greenwald, Louis], Concerns business interruption insurance
during coronavirus disease 2019 state of emergency;

A3845 [Freiman, Roy/Greenwald, Louis/Dancer, Ronald], Expands EDA small business
loan program to include small businesses negatively affected by certain epidemics;
makes $25 million appropriation to EDA

A3846 [Sumter, Shavonda], Creates "Temporary Lost Wage Unemployment Program"
to allow persons to claim for lost wages due to coronavirus disease 2019

A3847 [Tully, P. Christopher/DeCroce, BettyLou], Provides paid leave without utilizing
accumulated leave for local government employees under certain circumstances

A3848 [Lopez, Yvonne/Munoz, Nancy/Downey, Joann], Concerns time off from work in
connection with infectious disease

A3849 [Johnson, Gordon], Permits public agency to respond to request for government
record within 21 calendar days during period of emergency or other exigency

A3850 [Murphy, Carol/DeCroce, BettyLou], Allows local government agencies to meet
electronically during declared Public Health Emergency or State of Emergency

A3851 [Schaer, Gary/Scharfenberger, Gerard], Extends deadlines for adoption of
county and municipal budgets under certain circumstances

A3853 [Jasey, Mila/Schepisi, Holly], Establishes "COVID-19 Emergency Food
Distribution Fund"; appropriates $10,000,000

A3854 [Conaway, Herb/Munoz, Nancy], Authorizes licensed health care facilities and
laboratories to develop and administer coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tests;
allows waiver of staffing ratio requirements

A3855 [Mosquera, Gabriela/Stanfield, Jean], Requires food access information be
displayed on websites of 2-1-1 system and executive branch departments during public
health emergencies

A3856 [Downey, Joann], Makes FY2020 supplemental appropriation of $10 million for
residential facility sanitation due to coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak

A3857 [Coughlin, Craig], Makes FY2020 supplemental appropriation of $5 million to
Community Food Bank of NJ to provide meals for children who are out of school and
received subsidized lunches

A3858 [Mukherji, Raj], Requires Commissioner of Human Services to issue
supplemental cash assistance payments to recipients of certain public assistance
programs under certain circumstances; makes appropriation

A3859 [McKnight, Angela/Schepisi, Holly], Concerns prohibition of residential tenant
eviction and eviction due to residential foreclosure during certain emergency

A3860 [Pinkin, Nancy/DeCroce, BettyLou], Facilitates use of telemedicine and
telehealth to respond to public health emergencies

ACR165 [Mejia, Pedro/Mazzeo, Vincent], Urges DHS to apply for federal waivers to
facilitate and increase access to SNAP benefits during coronavirus disease 2019

AJR158 [DeAngelo, Wayne/DePhillips, Christopher], Urges FCC to take temporary
measures to secure broadband access for those affected by COVID-19.

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