Assembly Committee Membership For The 219th Legislative Session


Here are the Assembly committee memberships for the 2020-2021 Legislative Session:

Standing Reference

(Group D)
Houghtaling, Eric - Chair
Taliaferro, Adam J. - Vice-Chair
Armato, John
Dancer, Ronald S.
Space, Parker
Swain, Lisa

Standing Reference

(Group B)
Burzichelli, John J. - Chair
Schaer, Gary S. - Vice-Chair
Bergen, Brian
Conaway, Herb
DeAngelo, Wayne P.
McClellan, Antwan
Mosquera, Gabriela M.
Pintor Marin, Eliana
Rooney, Kevin J.
Tucker, Cleopatra G.
Webber, Jay

Standing Reference

(Group D)
Pintor Marin, Eliana - Chair
Burzichelli, John J. - Vice-Chair
Benson, Daniel R.
Clifton, Robert D.
DiMaso, Serena
Johnson, Gordon M.
McKeon, John F.
Munoz, Nancy F.
Murphy, Carol A.
Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina
Spearman, William W.
Wimberly, Benjie E.
Wirths, Harold J.

Budget Committee (Budget Hearings Only)
Special Budget Hearings

Pintor Marin, Eliana - Chair
Burzichelli, John J. - Vice-Chair
Benson, Daniel R.
Clifton, Robert D.
DiMaso, Serena
Johnson, Gordon M.
McKeon, John F.
Munoz, Nancy F.
Murphy, Carol A.
Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina
Spearman, William W.
Wimberly, Benjie E.
Wirths, Harold J.

Commerce and Economic Development
Standing Reference

(Group B)
Johnson, Gordon M. - Chair
Karabinchak, Robert J. - Vice-Chair
Auth, Robert
Catalano, John
Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
DiMaio, John
Moen, William F.
Quijano, Annette
Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina

Community Development and Affairs
Standing Reference

(Group A)
Sumter, Shavonda E. - Chair
Timberlake, Britnee N. - Vice-Chair
Chaparro, Annette
Peters, Ryan E.
Simonsen, Erik
Spearman, William W.

Consumer Affairs
Standing Reference

(Group A)
Moriarty, Paul D. - Chair
Reynolds-Jackson, Verlina - Vice-Chair
Catalano, John
Mejia, Pedro
Quijano, Annette
Rooney, Kevin J.

Standing Reference

(Group C)
Lampitt, Pamela R. - Chair
Jasey, Mila M. - Vice-Chair
Caputo, Ralph R.
Quijano, Annette
Simonsen, Erik
Stanfield, Jean

Environment and Solid Waste
Standing Reference

(Group D)
Pinkin, Nancy J. - Chair
Kennedy, James J. - Vice-Chair
DiMaio, John
Lopez, Yvonne
McKeon, John F.
Scharfenberger, Gerard
Swain, Lisa

Financial Institutions and Insurance
Standing Reference

(Group A)
McKeon, John F. - Chair
Lampitt, Pamela R. - Vice-Chair
Auth, Robert
Danielsen, Joe
DeCroce, BettyLou
DePhillips, Christopher P.
Downey, Joann
Freiman, Roy
Lopez, Yvonne
Murphy, Carol A.
Schaer, Gary S.
Swain, Lisa
Webber, Jay

Standing Reference

(Group A)
Conaway, Herb - Chair
Jimenez, Angelica M. - Vice-Chair
Armato, John
Benson, Daniel R.
Holley, Jamel C.
McKnight, Angela V.
Munoz, Nancy F.
Peterson, Erik
Pinkin, Nancy J.
Rumpf, Brian E.
Schepisi, Holly T.
Tully, P. Christopher
Verrelli, Anthony S.

Higher Education
Standing Reference

(Group A)
Jasey, Mila M. - Chair
Carter, Linda S. - Vice-Chair
Giblin, Thomas P.
Gove, DiAnne C.
Scharfenberger, Gerard
Zwicker, Andrew

Homeland Security and State Preparedness
Standing Reference

(Group D)
McKnight, Angela V. - Chair
Holley, Jamel C. - Vice-Chair
Jimenez, Angelica M.
McClellan, Antwan
McGuckin, Gregory P.
Schaer, Gary S.

Standing Reference

(Group B)
Wimberly, Benjie E. - Chair
Spearman, William W. - Vice-Chair
Calabrese, Clinton
Clifton, Robert D.
Jasey, Mila M.
Schepisi, Holly T.
Timberlake, Britnee N.

Human Services
Standing Reference

(Group D)
Downey, Joann - Chair
Chiaravalloti, Nicholas - Vice-Chair
Speight, Shanique
Stanfield, Jean
Tucker, Cleopatra G.
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

Standing Reference

(Group C)
Mukherji, Raj - Chair
Murphy, Carol A. - Vice-Chair
Auth, Robert
Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
DePhillips, Christopher P.
Johnson, Gordon M.

Standing Reference

(Group C)
Egan, Joseph V. - Chair
Verrelli, Anthony S. - Vice-Chair
Catalano, John
Houghtaling, Eric
Mazzeo, Vincent
Moriarty, Paul D.
Scharfenberger, Gerard
Space, Parker
Sumter, Shavonda E.

Law and Public Safety
Standing Reference

(Group B)
Taliaferro, Adam J. - Chair
Chaparro, Annette - Vice-Chair
Carter, Linda S.
DiMaso, Serena
Peterson, Erik
Pinkin, Nancy J.
Stanfield, Jean
Sumter, Shavonda E.
Swain, Lisa

Military and Veterans' Affairs
Standing Reference

(Group C)
Tucker, Cleopatra G. - Chair
DeAngelo, Wayne P. - Vice-Chair
Armato, John
Dancer, Ronald S.
Danielsen, Joe
Gove, DiAnne C.

Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations
Standing Reference

(Group B)
Danielsen, Joe - Chair
Houghtaling, Eric - Vice-Chair
Dancer, Ronald S.
Lopez, Yvonne
Murphy, Carol A.
Rumpf, Brian E.

Regulated Professions
Standing Reference

(Group B)
Giblin, Thomas P. - Chair
Jimenez, Angelica M. - Vice-Chair
Kean, Sean T.
Mejia, Pedro
Moriarty, Paul D.
Peters, Ryan E.
Thomson, Edward H.
Zwicker, Andrew

Science, Innovation and Technology
Standing Reference

(Group D)
Zwicker, Andrew - Chair
Carter, Linda S. - Vice-Chair
Conaway, Herb
DeCroce, BettyLou
DePhillips, Christopher P.
Mukherji, Raj

Senior Services
Standing Reference

(Group B)
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie - Chair
Speight, Shanique - Vice-Chair
DeCroce, BettyLou
Gove, DiAnne C.
McKnight, Angela V.
Tully, P. Christopher

Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources

Members to be announced
State and Local Government
Standing Reference

(Group D)
Mazzeo, Vincent - Chair
Freiman, Roy - Vice-Chair
Karabinchak, Robert J.
Moen, William F.
Simonsen, Erik
Thomson, Edward H.

Telecommunications and Utilities
Standing Reference

(Group A)
DeAngelo, Wayne P. - Chair
Calabrese, Clinton - Vice-Chair
Bergen, Brian
DiMaso, Serena
Egan, Joseph V.
Karabinchak, Robert J.
Mukherji, Raj
Thomson, Edward H.

Tourism, Gaming and the Arts
Standing Reference

(Group A)
Caputo, Ralph R. - Chair
Kennedy, James J. - Vice-Chair
Dancer, Ronald S.
Houghtaling, Eric
Mazzeo, Vincent
McClellan, Antwan
Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

Transportation and Independent Authorities
Standing Reference

(Group C)
Benson, Daniel R. - Chair
Lopez, Yvonne - Vice-Chair
Chaparro, Annette
Clifton, Robert D.
DeCroce, BettyLou
DiMaio, John
Freiman, Roy
Giblin, Thomas P.
Kennedy, James J.
McGuckin, Gregory P.
Moen, William F.
Wimberly, Benjie E.

Women and Children
Standing Reference

(Group C)
Mosquera, Gabriela M. - Chair
Swain, Lisa - Vice-Chair
Munoz, Nancy F.
Speight, Shanique

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