Assembly: Scheduled Bills For Thursday

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton
A-306     Singleton, Troy
/Tucker, Cleopatra G.
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Webber, Jay
/Johnson, Gordon M.
/Danielsen, Joe
  "New Jersey Housing Assistance for Veterans Act," establishes pilot program to assist certain veterans with housing modification and rehabilitation; appropriates $5 million.
A-772 Aca     Andrzejczak, Bob
/Diegnan, Patrick J.
/Land, R. Bruce
/Benson, Daniel R.
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Mukherji, Raj
  Establishes process for recovering cost of caring for domestic companion animals involved in animal cruelty violations.
A-926 Acs     Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Benson, Daniel R.
/Tucker, Cleopatra G.
/Eustace, Tim
/McKnight, Angela V.
/Mosquera, Gabriela M.
  Implements person-first language and changes pejorative terminology referring to persons with certain disabilities or substance use disorders.
A-1069     Bramnick, Jon M.
/Burzichelli, John J.
/Munoz, Nancy F.
  Requires DEP to establish "private wildlife habitat certification program"; creates affirmative defense against municipal nuisance ordinances for properties certified under the program.
A-1119 Aca     Oliver, Sheila Y.
/Johnson, Gordon M.
/Jasey, Mila M.
/Spencer, L. Grace
/McKnight, Angela V.
  Prohibits sale of certain toy guns and imitation firearms.
A-1197     Mosquera, Gabriela M.
/Singleton, Troy
/Moriarty, Paul D.
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Wimberly, Benjie E.
  Establishes new crime of domestic violence committed in the presence of a child.
A-1257 AcaAa     Caride, Marlene
/Jimenez, Angelica M.
/Mukherji, Raj
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Benson, Daniel R.
/McKnight, Angela V.
  Requires school bus transporting students using wheelchairs to be equipped with four-point securement system; requires school bus operator to secure students using wheelchairs.
A-1329     Rible, David P.
/Bramnick, Jon M.
/Bucco, Anthony M.
  Protects home addresses of law enforcement officers from being released by governmental entities.
A-1351     Eustace, Tim
/Spencer, L. Grace
  Amends law concerning application, sale, and use of fertilizer to exempt organic fertilizer from certain requirements.
A-1469 Aca     Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Jimenez, Angelica M.
/Holley, Jamel C.
  Requires health benefits coverage for adolescent depression screenings.
A-1670 Aca     Schaer, Gary S.
/Quijano, Annette
/Mukherji, Raj
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Danielsen, Joe
  Establishes Office of Student Loan Ombudsman; regulates student loan servicers.
A-1698     Dancer, Ronald S.   Establishes certain requirements for a State entity planting vegetation in certain circumstances; provides for preferences for NJ businesses providing such vegetation.
A-1918 Aca     Wisniewski, John S.
/Webber, Jay
/Rumana, Scott T.
/DeCroce, BettyLou
  Concerns temporary registration certificates for automobiles.
A-2065     Gusciora, Reed
/Sumter, Shavonda E.
/Wimberly, Benjie E.
/Benson, Daniel R.
/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
  Directs NJEDA to establish pilot program to assist with permit and approval process related to redevelopment of certain properties.
A-2212 Aca     Wimberly, Benjie E.
/Oliver, Sheila Y.
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Houghtaling, Eric
  Grants credit against business income taxes to developer of rental housing reserved for occupancy by veterans.
A-2630     Gusciora, Reed
/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
  Permits persons convicted of driving with suspended license to be sentenced to labor assistance program.
A-2873 Aca     Jones, Patricia Egan
/Mosquera, Gabriela M.
/Mukherji, Raj
  Requires completion of a computer science class as part of the high school graduation requirements.
A-3009 Aa     Conaway, Herb
/DeAngelo, Wayne P.
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Danielsen, Joe
/Mukherji, Raj
  Prohibits permanent change of child custody during period of active military service; provides that absence due to active military duty, by itself, is insufficient justification to modify a child custody or visitation order.
A-3065     Moriarty, Paul D.
/Diegnan, Patrick J.
/Quijano, Annette
/Benson, Daniel R.
  Prohibits retailers from scanning consumer's identification card for return of merchandise.
A-3413 Aca     McKnight, Angela V.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
  Requires certain providers of transportation services to develop and publish route schedules.
A-3444     Space, Parker
/Caride, Marlene
  "The Smarter Lunchroom Act;" promotes healthy food choices in school cafeterias.
A-3523     Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
/Gusciora, Reed
/Mukherji, Raj
  Requires Division of Parole to offer parole services to certain defendants who have served their maximum sentence.
A-3708     Conaway, Herb
/McKnight, Angela V.
  Requires health insurance carriers to provide notice of termination of coverage to covered persons in certain circumstances.
A-3720 Aca     Chaparro, Annette   Authorizes municipalities to regulate Internet-organized events.
A-3739 Aca     Jasey, Mila M.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
  Requires public institutions of higher education to allow students, faculty, and other staff to identify sexual orientation and gender identity on any forms used to collect certain demographic data.
A-3783 Aca     Zwicker, Andrew
/Benson, Daniel R.
/Barclay, Arthur
  Allows county and municipal police departments to establish designated safe areas for Internet purchase transactions; establishes public awareness campaign.
A-3868     Singleton, Troy   Imposes corporate business tax and gross income tax on income attributable to certain investment management services that a corporate or individual partner provides on behalf of a partnership.
A-3908     Mazzeo, Vincent
/DeAngelo, Wayne P.
/Mukherji, Raj
/Houghtaling, Eric
  Establishes 9/11 Memorial Registry.
A-3948 Aca     Land, R. Bruce
/Andrzejczak, Bob
  Provides for immediate issuance of marriage and civil union licenses; provides for 72 hour waiting period prior to the ceremony.
A-4044     Greenwald, Louis D.   Prohibits non-disclosure clauses in certain contracts.
A-4085     Schaer, Gary S.
/Jasey, Mila M.
/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Benson, Daniel R.
  Establishes "Succeed in New Jersey" student loan reimbursement program for certain New Jersey residents employed in designated fields.
A-4088 Aca     Schaer, Gary S.
/Jasey, Mila M.
/Benson, Daniel R.
  Establishes "High School to College Readiness Commission" to examine issues and develop recommendations to enhance student preparation for postsecondary education.
A-4171     Downey, Joann
/Houghtaling, Eric
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Benson, Daniel R.
  Establishing New Jersey Commission on Veterans' Benefits in DMVA.
A-4188     Mukherji, Raj
/Chaparro, Annette
/Jimenez, Angelica M.
/McKnight, Angela V.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
  Permits voter to take photograph of own voted ballot and share it on Internet-based social media.
A-4323     Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
/McKnight, Angela V.
/Wisniewski, John S.
  Requires owner of certain autobuses to register with and receive approval from municipalities in which autobus operates.
A-4369 Aca     Peterson, Erik
/Coughlin, Craig J.
  Revises "Fair Foreclosure Act."
A-4453     Downey, Joann
/Houghtaling, Eric
  Requires pupils who reside on certain federal property to enroll in resident school district in accordance with schedule determined by executive county superintendent of schools.
A-4498 AcaAa     Coughlin, Craig J.
/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Singleton, Troy
/Danielsen, Joe
/Downey, Joann
  Expands health insurance coverage for behavioral health services and autism and enhances enforcement and oversight of mental health parity laws.
A-4540     Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
/Eustace, Tim
/Kennedy, James J.
  Requires municipal land use plan element of master plan to address smart growth, storm resiliency, and environmental sustainability issues.
A-4756 Aa     DeAngelo, Wayne P.   Permits solar electric power generation facility projects not having commenced commercial operation to retain designation through May 31, 2018 as connected to distribution system.
A-4870     Prieto, Vincent
/Oliver, Sheila Y.
/Quijano, Annette
/Pintor Marin, Eliana
/Schaer, Gary S.
/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
  "Safe Transportation Jobs and Fair Employment Rules Act."
A-4880     Prieto, Vincent
/Jimenez, Angelica M.
  Amends law to limit DEP's direct oversight of remediation of portion of contaminated site under certain circumstances.
ACR-192 Sca     McKeon, John F.
/Spencer, L. Grace
/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
/Benson, Daniel R.
/Gusciora, Reed
/Conaway, Herb
/Smith, Bob
/Bateman, Christopher
  Determines that DEP's proposal to amend septic system density standards in Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act Rules is inconsistent with legislative intent.
AJR-37     Mosquera, Gabriela M.
/Chaparro, Annette
  Designates June 21 of each year as "ASK Day" to promote children's health and gun safety.
AJR-115     Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Giblin, Thomas P.
/Benson, Daniel R.
  Designates third Friday in September of every year as Concussion Awareness Day.
AJR-137     Mazzeo, Vincent   Urges United States President Trump, members of his administration, and Congress to oppose measures and actions to prohibit states from authorizing and conducting Internet gaming.
AR-73 Aca     Benson, Daniel R.
/DeAngelo, Wayne P.
/Danielsen, Joe
  Urges U.S. Congress to enact legislation protecting employee and retiree retirement benefits.
AR-195     Pinkin, Nancy J.
/Quijano, Annette
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
  Urges Congress to pass "Surface Transportation and Maritime Security Act."
AR-202     Houghtaling, Eric
/Downey, Joann
  Urges federal government to increase appropriations for impact aid payments to eligible school districts.
S-972 w/GR


    Sweeney, Stephen M.
/O'Toole, Kevin J.
/Ruiz, M. Teresa
/Burzichelli, John J.
/Spencer, L. Grace
/Giblin, Thomas P.
/Pintor Marin, Eliana
  Establishes Child Advocacy Center-Multidisciplinary Team Advisory Board and certification program for child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams; appropriates $10 million.


  Van Drew, Jeff

(Land, Bruce R.

/Andrzejczak, Bob)

  Designates New Jersey Route 47 from Wildwood City to Maurice River Township as "Veterans Memorial Highway at Delsea Drive."
S-1913 Sca

(A-2794 Aca)

    Addiego, Dawn Marie
/Greenstein, Linda R.
(Lagana, Joseph A.

/Moriarty, Paul D.

/Mukherji, Raj

/Downey, Joann)

  "Personal Information and Privacy Protection Act"; restricts collection and use of personal information by retail establishments for certain purposes.


    Kean, Thomas H.
/Pou, Nellie
(Munoz, Nancy F.

/Giblin, Thomas P.)

  Adds two nurse educators to the New Jersey Board of Nursing.


    Turner, Shirley K.
/Cunningham, Sandra B.
(Lampitt, Pamela R.

/Mukherji, Raj

/Johnson, Gordon M.)

  Requires institutions of higher education and proprietary degree-granting institutions to improve transparency of tuition and fees.


    Cunningham, Sandra B.
/Ruiz, M. Teresa
/Gordon, Robert M.
(Sumter, Shavonda E.

/Jasey, Mila M.

/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher

/Lagana, Joseph A.

/Downey, Joann

/Benson, Daniel R.)

  Requires Higher Education Student Assistance Authority to provide annual New Jersey College Loans to Assist State Students Loan Program report to Governor and Legislature and develop student loan comparison information document to increase program transparency.
S-2578 SaAca

(A-4239 Aca)

    Cunningham, Sandra B.
/Pou, Nellie
/Gordon, Robert M.
(Sumter, Shavonda E.

/Jasey, Mila M.

/Benson, Daniel R.

/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher

/Downey, Joann

/Handlin, Amy H.)

  Revises New Jersey College Loans to Assist State Students Loan Program to require applicants first exhaust federal student loans, require income verification, and limit total student loan amounts.
S-2819 Sca

(A-4363 Aa)

    Sweeney, Stephen M.
/Ruiz, M. Teresa
/Lesniak, Raymond J.
(Taliaferro, Adam J.

/Andrzejczak, Bob

/Lampitt, Pamela R.

/Mosquera, Gabriela M.

/Holley, Jamel C. )

  Creates "Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund" in Dept. of Agriculture to help pay for child food and nutrition programs.
S-2834 Sca

(A-4569 Aca)

    Sweeney, Stephen M.
/Greenstein, Linda R.
/Bateman, Christopher
(Eustace, Tim

/Karabinchak, Robert J.

/McKeon, John F.

/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Benson, Daniel R.) 

  The "Water Quality Accountability Act"; imposes certain testing, reporting, management, and infrastructure investment requirements on water purveyors.
S-2884 Aa

(A-4484 Aa)

    Whelan, Jim
/Greenstein, Linda R.
(Eustace, Tim

/Quijano, Annette

/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas

/Caride, Marlene)  

  Declares that deed restrictions or agreements that prevent raising or constructing of a structure to certain flood elevation standards are unenforceable.
A-3655      Mosquera, Gabriela M.
/Jones, Patricia Egan
/Holley, Jamel C.
/McKnight, Angela V.
   Requires board of education to display information about child abuse hotline in each school.
A-4468      Schaer, Gary S.
/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Sumter, Shavonda E.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
   Concerns Early Intervention Support Services program in DHS and expansion of program to all counties.
A-4469 Aca      Schaer, Gary S.
/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie
/Lampitt, Pamela R.
/Sumter, Shavonda E.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
   Concerns expansion of services provided by DHS mental health screening services.
A-4860      Caride, Marlene    Prohibits person from buying, selling, making or altering, giving, issuing, obtaining or attempting to obtain high school transcripts with intent to deceive and establishes penalty.
AJR-114      Vainieri Huttle, Valerie    Designates first week in June as "Rip Current Awareness Week."
AJR-116      Eustace, Tim
/Zwicker, Andrew
   Designates last full week in June each year as "Home and Community Garden Gleaning Week."
AJR-138      Taliaferro, Adam J.
/Space, Parker
/Houghtaling, Eric
/Andrzejczak, Bob
/Dancer, Ronald S.
   Designates first full week of June of each year as "Ugly Produce Week."
AR-263      Kennedy, James J.
/Eustace, Tim
/Zwicker, Andrew
/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
   Condemns President Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. from Paris Climate Accord.
AR-264      Zwicker, Andrew
/Muoio, Elizabeth Maher
   Urges NJ Governor to join U.S. Climate Alliance.

(A-926 Acs)

    Vitale, Joseph F.
/Whelan, Jim
(Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Benson, Daniel R.

/Tucker, Cleopatra G.

/Eustace, Tim

/McKnight, Angela V.

/Mosquera, Gabriela M.)

   Implements person-first language and changes pejorative terminology referring to persons with certain disabilities or substance use disorders.

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