The Assembly Voting Session Board List; Senate Caucusing


The Assembly has a scheduled voting session today at 130pm, as the Senate currently caucuses.

The board list is as follows:

A1237 St. parks open-failure to enact approp.
A1330 Industrial Hemp Pilot Prog.-creates
A1414 Finan. literacy instr.-concerns
A1753 Hotel occupancy fee-impose sales tax
A2179 Adulterated candy-proh. sale
A2189 Distributing explicit images-concerns
A2318 Animal rescued from mv-immunity
A2747 Continuing care communities-concerns
A3190 Bus., cert. airports-prov. tax cred elig
A3294 Emerg. assist.-extends cert. elig.
A3628 Civic Info. Consortium-estab.
A3765 Sch. safety specialist-desig.
A3772 Pool and spa svc. contractors-concerns
A3888 Alco. bev. lic.-allows issuance
A4208 Complete Count Comm.-estab.
A4258 Firearm-concerns theft
A4259 Tickets-restructure sales law
A4261 St sales and use tax-concerns collection
ACR182 Camden Co.-approve hist. preserv. proj.
AJR122 Hispanic Journalist Pride Day-Sept 20th
S250 Airports, cert.-prov. tax cred. elig.
S866 Emerg. assist.-extends cert. elig.
SJR14 Hispanic Journalist Pride Day-Sept 20th

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