The Assembly's Thursday Voting Session Board List


Here's the Assembly board list for the Thursday May 23rd voting session:

The marijuana decriminalization and expungement bills have been pulled from the board list. 

A10 Med. marijuana-concerns
A108 Prevailing wage-allows stop-work orders
A259 Accidential disab. benf.-concerns elig.
A312 Palliative care svcs.-prov. info.
A425 Child abuse hotline-sch. posting req.
A546 Co-based real prop assessment-concerns
A674 Teacher-concerns instructional cert.
A769 Age-appropriate sexual abuse curriculum
A1056 Workers, locked out-health insur. benf.
A1371 Electric veh. charging infra.-plan
A1428 Child trafficking-sch. dist. guidelines
A1597 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters
A1651 Address Confidentiality Prog.-expand
A1663 Lactation room availbilty-cert. pub. fac
A1700 Areas in need of redevel.-concerns
A2370 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit
A2534 Land acquisition-concerning
A2607 Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin.
A2987 Fire safety comm.-incr. memb.
A3207 Home health care agencies-concerns
A3292 Opioid med. warning sticker-req.
A3395 Pub. sch. dist.-subcontract agreements
A3612 Vet suicide pub svc announcement-concern
A3613 Blockchain Initiative Task Force-estab.
A3664 Non-teaching staff-concerns arbitration
A3717 Pharmacy benf. mgrs.-concerns
A3756 Real estate lic.-courses req.
A3769 Hosp. lic. cert qualif-prov cardiac svcs
A3773 NJBEST prog.-allows tax deductions
A3797 NJ Land Bank Law
A3810 Value-Added Dairy Farming Prog.-estab.
A3890 Move over law-penal. points for viol.
A3979 Dignity Incar Prim Caretaker Parents Act
A4095 Peddler's lic.-concerns vets.
A4136 Black sea bass-concerns limit
A4164 Career, tech ed cert pilot prog-concerns
A4282 Nursing home resid.-concerns complaints
A4310 Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch
A4430 Linda's Law-life-sustaining equipm
A4439 Panic devices, hotel emp.-prot. req.
A4498 Expungement proc.-revises
A4529 Superstorm Sandy-concerns contr. fraud
A4552 Dogs and cats-proh. leasing
A4564 Voting Precinct Transparency Act-estab.
A4605 Embryo storage fac.-concerns reg and lic
A4625 Family day care prov.-crim. hist. check
A4677 Child porn arrests-concerns DNA sample
A4744 Medication asst. treatment benf-prog req
A4772 Lead Ed, Accountability & Disclosure Act
A4814 Transient accommodation taxes-concerns
A4821 Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes
A4882 Accidental disab retir allowance-concern
A4918 One-stop event planning contact-desig.
A4970 Asset foreiture procedures-concerns
A5041 Hotel, multi dwelling inspections-req.
A5055 Consumer reporting agencies-concerns
A5142 Bus. assist. prog.-concerns
A5198 Law enforcement civil svc exams-concerns
A5323 MV insur., lender-placed-concerns
A5325 Marijuana-prov crim/civil justice reform
A5369 Patient Prot. Act-health care svc. req.
A5371 Auto accident-permit recover med expense
A5385 Container e-liquid-concerns sale & tax
A5392 Pub emp, sexual abuse lawsuits-liability
AJR36 Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week
AJR61 Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year
AJR115 Domestic Viol., Legal Access Task Force
AJR158 Medicaid Fin Resources Limits-task force
AJR159 Children's Art Wk.-first full wk of June
AJR183 Women Vet Appreciation Day-desig June 12
AJR196 Portugal Day-desig. June 10
AJR202 Battleship USS NJ Day-desig May 23
AR230 Proh of Nuclear Weapons-ratify Treaty
AR238 Cong.-work together, find common ground
S606 Electric veh. charging infra.-plan
S858 Teacher-concerns instructional cert.
S876 Transp. Trust Fd. proj.-concerns admin.
S954 Multistate Nurse Lic. Compact-NJ enters
S1150 Hotel, multi dwelling inspections-req.
S1214 NJ Land Bank Law
S1216 Sexual Assault exam kit-AG conduct audit
S1373 Home health care agencies-concerns
S1707 Land acquisition open space-concerns
S1735 Lactation room availbilty-cert. pub. fac
S1761 Address Confidentiality Prog-expands
S1799 Fire safety comm.-incr. memb.
S1887 Career, tech ed cert pilot prog-concerns
S2297 Blockchain Initiative Task Force-estab.
S2401 Farming operations-concerns loans
S2432 Auto accident-permit recover med expense
S2472 Real estate lic.-courses req.
S2489 Child abuse hotline-sch. posting req.
S2557 Prevailing wage-allows stop-work orders
S2804 Eye exam-req. children entering pub. sch
S2986 Panic button for hotel emp.-concerns
S2998 MV insur., lender-placed-concerns
S3043 Family day care prov.-crim. hist. check
S3075 Embryo storage fac.-concerns reg and lic
S3078 Child porn arrests-concerns DNA sample
S3207 Global Warming Resp. Act-new timeframes
S3452 Consumer reporting agencies-concerns
SJR27 Small Bus. Mo.-desig. May of each year
SJR114 Women Vet Appreciation Day-desig June 12


Previous comments for: The Assembly's Thursday Voting Session Board List

  1. 1Prop says:

    Once again, not one damn thing to cut taxes or reduce regulations. Just more spending, more restrictions and less freedom. The self-serving Legislature puts in a bunch of feel-good nonsense bills so they can sleep at night while the middle-class disappears. Way to go morons!

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