Atlantic County Parks and Green Tree Golf Course to Reopen on May 2

Atlantic County

The Atlantic County Parks and Green Tree Golf Course will reopen as of Saturday, May 2 in accordance with the governor’s Executive Order #133, however, there will be certain state guidelines in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 with enforcement of social distancing and health and safety protocols.

“I am pleased the governor has agreed to reopen these recreational amenities for the enjoyment of our residents. We are all anxious for some return to normalcy and an opportunity to get outdoors,” stated County Executive Dennis Levinson. “I would remind everyone, however, of the importance of continuing to practice social distancing so we do not negate the progress we have made in dealing with COVID-19. Enjoy our parks but do so safely for the protection of yourselves, your families and your communities.”

All Atlantic County parks will be open daily as of 7:30 AM on Saturday, with the exception of Lake Lenape Park West in Mays Landing, and will close one-half hour before sunset. Visitors must maintain social distancing. Group gatherings will be prohibited. While face masks will not be required at this time, they are strongly recommended.

Parking at each facility will be limited to 50% capacity and will be monitored and patrolled by county park rangers. Park trails will be accessible with strict adherence to social distancing and fishing will be permitted at designated locations.

All restrooms, playgrounds, pavilions, picnic areas, buildings and offices will remain closed as per state directive.

The Atlantic County Veterans Cemetery located within the county park at Estell Manor will also be accessible. Burials will be limited to 10 or less people. Contact the Veterans Cemetery Office for further assistance at (609) 909-5859.

Access to Lake Lenape Park West will not be available until further notice. County officials are still reviewing the best way to provide access to its campgrounds and lake surface in compliance with federal and state health guidelines and to include social distancing for boat and camping permits and other services.

The Green Tree Golf Course in Egg Harbor Township will also open on Saturday but with a number of restrictions based upon the governor’s executive order. The clubhouse and restrooms will be closed. Tee times will be limited to two players and will be staggered to limit the amount of people on the course at the same time.  Golf carts will be limited to one occupant. All payments, reservations and cancellations must be made by calling (609) 625-9131.

For more information about county parks, please call (609) 625-1897 or visit

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