Attorney Meisner at the Edge of Leaping into Englewood Mayor’s Race
Bergen County Attorney Phil Meisner, the Englewood Democratic Municipal Chair, is close to entering the race for Englewood Mayor in the wake of Mayor Frank Huttle III’s announcement he won’t seek a fourth term.
Meisner, an ally of the Huttle family, is the Vice President and Assistant General Counsel for Hudson Media, Inc. & Hudson Capital Properties. If Meisner runs he’ll likely have the support of the outgoing Mayor and his wife, Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle, along with their fundraising operation, a source said.
Ready to do battle in the Democratic Primary, Meisner also serves on the Englewood Economic Development Council and has a network across Bergen County stretching back to his days as a legislative staffer for the likes of Senator Loretta Weinberg, Assemblywoman Valerie Vainieri Huttle, Assemblyman Gordon Johnson, and former Assemblywoman Elease Evans.
In Meisner’s corner, fresh off running the vast statewide field campaign for Governor Phil Murphy is Dave Parano of Parano & Associates. Parano will run Meisner’s GOTV operation.
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People, like Mr. Meisner, who run negative campaigns do so because they truly have nothing to say. That is why we will not waste our time listening to the false inferences Mr. Meisner is spewing about Mr. Michael Wildes, a respected, credible, and formidable candidate of substance and action!