Back from the Trump Cult: Christie Soaks Up Media Attention

Donald Trump's hold on his devoted fans is cult-like.
Any doubters would do well to go to a Trump rally, or protest.
Such an event unfolded a few weeks ago in Bedminster near Trump National after the former president's indictment for misusing classified documents.
There were the customary Trump flags and supporters literally wearing their Trump allegiance on their clothes.
One man told me he's convinced God wants Trump to be elected president in 2024. I didn't explore how he knows that.
Another volunteered that he'd "take a bullet" for Trump. Let's not quibble if this would be a fatal shot, or merely a wound. You see the point.
All this devotion is relevant when we consider the presidential campaign of our former governor, Chris Christie.
It is true that when Christie officially launched his campaign in New Hampshire a few weeks ago, he talked about consequential issues. However, the core of his message that evening and ever since has been more basic - Trump is incompetent, a loser and an all-around awful guy.
Christie appeared on MSNBC Tuesday morning to continue pressing that view.
Lord knows he has plenty of ammunition, but the challenge is not convincing the MSNBC audience Trump is a con artist. It's chipping away at the cult.
It may be true that many elected Republican officials are no longer enamored of Trump, but the rank and file - as polls consistently show - is another matter.
Trump remains far ahead nationally and in most state polls. Ron DeSantis is a distant second.
How about Christie? The Real Clear Politics polling average has him at 2.5 percent nationally and in sixth place. In New Hampshire, where the former governor clearly has to do very well, he is in third place with 4.7 percent.
Christie was asked today about his strategy.
He talked about something he mentions quite often. Trump accomplished little of what he said he was going to do as president.
By this, he means that Trump never repealed Obama-care, never built much of "the wall," which Mexico never paid for anyway, and failed miserably to balance the budget and reduce the debt.
All true.
But as was pointed out by his interviewer this morning, Trump supporters probably know that and still love him.
This is a critical point.
After having attended Trump rallies dating back to the 2020 campaign, one thing becomes clear.
Issues do not matter.
Trump's appeal - as we see from the guy ready to take a bullet - is visceral. Supporters simply think Trump is one of them and on their side. On their side against what? That would be the "deep state," the corrupt media and the corrupt political establishment.
Another point is that Trump's loyal supporters simply don't believe any negative news about him. That's because he has convinced them it is all "fake."
It was at a "stop the steal" rally a few weeks after the 2020 election when a man said he would only believe Trump lost the election if Trump said he lost the election.
That is crazy thinking to be sure, and it does not represent the mindset of all Republicans, especially in New Jersey.
But even in the Garden State, one sees signs of the Trump cult. I recall a Sussex County event geared to last month's primary when Phil Rizzo, a former gubernatorial and congressional candidate, said Republicans in New Jersey should be pro-Trump, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment.
Just for the record, Trump got about 42 percent of the vote in New Jersey in 2016 and 2020. It's tough to win anything with those numbers.
The challenge for Christie - and it may be an impossible one - is to somehow appeal to the party's Trump wing with logic.
One thing indisputable is that Christie is the only candidate in the GOP field harshly criticizing the former president. That is to his credit.
He explained that strategy today with a snappy quote:
"You have to beat the man to be the man."
He also said he expects Trump to be weighed down by the indictments already filed and those that may come in the months ahead. And he added that he sees unease among many Republicans that if nominated Trump will lose - again - to Joe Biden.
Fair point.
However, as Christie knows, Trump's most loyal supporters are not going to believe their man will lose again to Biden.
They don't believe he lost the last time.
Laura Sands, once again, shows she has nothing relevant to say. She shows her massive ignorance by making stupid remarks and ad hominem attacks on Trump and Trump supporters (which comprise over 100 MILLION voters!!!!!). Maybe it's time for Laura Sands to come up with something intelligent to say once in a while.
Stewart Resmer says Lindell is currently facing a $1.3 BILLION dollar lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems because he hurt their brand. No he didn't hurt their brand. It's been proven that the brand defrauded the American voting public. If it hurt the brand, explain why 3/4 of a Billion dollar settlement with FOX isn't enough to keep them from going out of business????? Who's going to get that money???? Something stinks, and it's the fact that Dominion and the CIA are closely tied. And, Lindell has sued Dominion Voting Systems directly, after his counter-suit was dismissed. We'll see what transpires from that. Also, a lot of evidence is coming out from many IT and computer experts, including Jovan Pulitzer, and those from military intelligence backgrounds.
So tired of the Trump crazies! Yawn.
In other news: Lindell is currently facing a $1.3 billion defamation suit from Dominion Voting Systems, which claims Lindell’s accusations of fraud, election rigging and conspiracy have hurt the company’s brand.
Unfortunately, Snowfeld does not go below the surface in his reporting of Trump’s rallies. The purpose of the rallies is not just an endorsement of Trump, the candidate. It is to remind Conservatives that the core issues they value DO MATTER. The sheer volume of supporters at every rally, both in person and online, attests to this. Overall, Trump addresses these issues best and does this despite endless vacuous supercilious, and sometimes illegal, attacks. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for the job.
Freddie Snowflake is at it again. He says that Christie is "Back from the Trump Cult". More aptly, it should read: Christie is "Back from the Trump Derangement Syndrome Cult". Nobody is even paying attention to Chris Christie--anywhere. He is 2.5% or less in the national polls. He is essentially "persona non grata". Yeah, and I'm sorry Mr. Snowflake, but the 2020 election was stolen. More and more evidence is coming out. Why is Dominion Voting Systems going bankrupt and closing down after receiving almost $1 BILLION dollars in a settlement with FOX NEWS???? Because Dominion was outted for computer voting system election fraud. And, IT experts (some who are from the Military Intelligence) are coming out with mountains of evidence of the 2020 election fraud on the electronic level. Further proof is Zuckerberg's $400 MILLION unlawfully spent to give Joe Biden a win, when Biden couldn't even get out and campaign. And, then there's the ballot harvesting, the drop boxes, the ballot mules, the Atlanta and Detroit videos showing multiple entries of the same ballots into the computerized counters, etc. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it isn't Freddie Snowflake. Interesting that Mr. Snowflake, a Democrat-Communist, continues with the usual Leftist propaganda talking points of "move on, nothing to see here", when the biggest election fraud in U.S. History occurred in 2020 and 2022. If I didn't know better, Mr. Snowflake would be complicit in the conspiracy to perpetrate felony election fraud. As for MSNBC's Morning Joe, he's a fraud, along with his wife, Mika. They have no viewership, yet stay on the air because they do the propaganda bidding of the Communist Deep State in this country. His wife is the daughter of former Communist-Democrat Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski who was counselor to Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson ("LBJ") and National Security Advisor to Democrat President Jimmy Carter. Morning Joe was a Republican and turned Deep State Commie with his wife, each for a $7 MILLION DOLLAR annual payday.
Will msnbcs morning Joe now afford every other candidate 45 minutes equal time?