Bank Director O'Dowd Gave Frelinghuysen $250 on March 27th

Undoubtedly the story of the day belongs to WNYC, which reported on the resignation from a bank of an activist after U.S. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) denounced her out as a progressive “ringleader” in a letter to her boss.
Read that story here. Also, read the statement released by Frelinghuysen's potential 2018 challenger Mikie Sherrill here.
But there's more.
In addition to the $700 the bank director Joseph O'Dowd gave Frelinghuysen in past election cycles ($200 in 2000 and $500 in 2015-16), O'Dowd gave Frelinghuysen an additional $250 on March 27, 2017.
Frelinghuysen's office has not responded to an email request for comment.