Baraka Announces 8 P.M. Newark Curfew to Combat Coronavirus


Mayor Ras J. Baraka announced a further series of sweeping measures to address the threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the City of Newark, which include a mandatory 8 p.m. curfew, the closing of non-essential businesses by 8 p.m. tonight until further notice, and City Hall services offered to residents there by appointment only. A list of the new measures follows, in which compliance will be enforced.

  • Curfew is mandatory after 8 p.m., unless there’s an emergency or you are coming from/going to work.
  • All non-essential stores that do not sell food, medical supplies, prescriptions, gas, or household goods must close by 8 p.m. tonight and not reopen until further notice. This includes retail stores, nail salons, beauty salons, and barber shops.
  • Only supermarkets, pharmacies, and gas stations are allowed to be open beyond 8 p.m., but patronizing there after 8 p.m. for emergencies only.
  • Restaurants are allowed to remain open for take-out and delivery services only, but must close by 8 p.m. daily. No dining in allowed.
  • City Hall is staffed at minimal levels and open to residents by appointment only for an indefinite period. To make an appointment, please call the usual numbers of the departments whose services are being sought or the Non-Emergency Call Center at

(973) 733-4311.


In addition to the measures listed above, Mayor Baraka and the Director of the Department of Health and Community Wellness Dr. Mark Wade stated the following:

  • Hardcopy packets of schoolwork will be available at the breakfast and lunch locations. A complete list of locations can be found at
  • Cable provider Altice is providing free wifi to students.
  • Seniors and the most vulnerable populations for Coronavirus will have a dedicated time to shop at the ShopRite on 206 Springfield Avenue in Newark, from 6:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. daily. The City is encouraging all grocery stores to do the same.
  • Newark is beginning a system to get food to our seniors and most needy within the next couple of days.
  • While all senior residential centers are closed to visitors, residents are encouraged to call and check on their senior family and friends. Management will check on them as well.
  • All public, private, and parochial schools remain closed indefinitely.
  • Immunization services will be reduced to Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • WIC will be open by appointment only on Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – no walk-ins will be allowed.

It is also important for everyone to know the signs and practice prevention tips as those provided by the NJDOH (

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800-222-1222 or


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