Baraka: Newark Faces its First COVID-19 Case

Mayor Ras J. Baraka and Department of Health and Community Wellness Director Dr. Mark J. Wade will formally announce the city's first positive coronavirus case on Sunday, March 15, at noon at City Hall.
Baraka will also announce details of an executive order he is signing to help residents and businesses impacted by coronavirus situation.
Earlier today, Baraka made a statement regarding the closing of public schools in his city, as Newark battles COVID-19.
“While the Newark Public Schools are taking precautions in regard to the spread of the Coronavirus by closing schools for the next couple of weeks, we strongly expect for our children to be supervised and indoors, focusing on their school work during this time. This is not an impromptu vacation. This is an opportunity for our city to take an international health emergency seriously and to help protect our city. To date, Newark has no confirmed cases of the Coronavirus, meanwhile, the nation currently has more than 2,100 cases and that number is rapidly increasing.
“Let’s take this time for our children to complete the work packets given by the schools, keep our community safe, and if anyone in your home feels sick then either stay in the house, or seek medical attention by a healthcare provider. Everyone needs to continue practicing safe measures like washing hands for at least 20 seconds and coughing into your sleeve or elbow if you have a cough. We hope that this will resolve quickly, but in the meantime, we have to do what we can to safeguard our community.
“For general questions about Coronavirus (COVID-19), please contact 1-800-222-1222.”
The city also announced the closing of the Newark Public Library due to the virus.