Baraka Unleashes on Saudino; then Goes Global on 'Medieval' Trump Enablers

ATLANTIC CITY - Appalled and impassioned, literary, and biblical, Newark Mayor Ras Baraka addressed embattled Bergen County Sheriff Mike Saudino when he went to the microphone at this morning's Democratic State Committee breakfast conference.
"I just want him to know I represent the people who came here against their will," Baraka said, his voice seething as he referred to the sheriff caught on tape making racist remarks about blacks.
Blacks, the mayor said, came chained to the bottoms of boats.
"We didn't come here to benefit from a booming economy, we were the economy," he added. Mr. Saudino, we didn't come here for religious freedoms."
Blacks were shot and hanged and segregated in schools.
[caption id="attachment_37416" align="alignnone" width="2381"] Baraka[/caption]
"This country is filled with our blood-soaked footsteps and we are still here trying to save America from itself," Baraka said, igniting this crowd of hundreds.
He pivoted, by slow degrees.
"We are in a very dangerous place," Baraka added, scorning that American establishment enabling what he described as the medievalism of Donald Trump.
Criminalizing immigrants and brown-skinned immigrants.
"We're the Democratic Party, we're supposed to have a moral center," Baraka screamed. "The problem is we focus too much on Donald Trump and we let everyone else off the hook. ...Those that enable, aid and abet him."
The mayor heaped scorn on Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver's scorn for those Democrats dug in against Governor Phil Murphy.
"They make our governor the target," Baraka yelled.
It was a strong, off-the-hook, crowd suspending, Bible-reference laden, American history lesson-wrenching and righteous indignation-fueled speech that built to a crescendo of pure outrage.
"You can't be against Donald Trump and support Hugin," he said. "In fact, you can't even call yourself a damn Democrat. ...What will you do on the day of reckoning?
"The day of reckoning is now," Baraka added. "Our faith demands it, not in the party, but our faith in what is just in right. It is promised to us."
Baraka's voice rose to fiery heights.
The speech left people - 1,200 of them, according to State Party Chairman John Currie - speechless.
One insider gasped simply, "There's the next statewide candidate."
InsiderNJ caught the eye of another emotionally teetering veteran.
"He's better than Booker," she said.
that's not a valid excuse.. He's yours, own it. You also own Spartacus. .
There were obviously things unknown
Mayor, your side welcomed Saudino into YOUR party.