Batteground Beck: Murphy's 'Message Has Fallen Flat'

Murphy and Beck

Sharp elbowed, running down to the wire, a few hours left to go, ten years on the clock in the state senate a final lunge across the finish line to close the deal, or so thought state Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11), attacked by Democrats as a Chris Christie functionary, who feels aided, ironically, by the Democrat running to replace Christie.

"I don't see Phil Murphy winning this district," Beck told InsiderNJ as she went door to door in Neptune.

"There's no support for the creation of a sanctuary state," the senator added.

Phil Murphy's muddled message mangles the candidacy of her challenger Vin Gopal, she concedes.

Murphy's down in the district, according to tracking polls in both camps.

"His message has fallen flat," Beck said of the Democratic candidate for governor in the midst of general suburban worry about how he's penetrated and some D freaking out in places like Ld16 and even, somewhat, LD14.

And LD38.

But Gopal and his allies are on network TV right now in LD11, have been since last week; with the senator retaliating on cable and radio.

From the beginning, Beck said Camden would try to boost her opponent, and that proved so, she noted, as soon as she saw the TV ad against her late, but Murphy just about cancels out the toxicity of Christie, she and her cadre figure, in a district that went twice for Christie and twice for Barack Obama.

Beck looked toward a rally tonight in Neptune, and sees victory on the horizon.

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