In Bayonne, Ashe-Nadrowski Rolls out Campaign Management Team

As the 2022 election cycle gets underway in Bayonne, Crossing Aisles Consulting owners Andrew
Casais and Raine Cuseglio announced their role as the campaign management team of current City
Council President Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski's candidacy for Mayor of the peninsula city of Bayonne.
"Over the past two years I've grown increasingly concerned about the tone of the Davis administration," said Casais. "During my time in City Hall I remember it being a place of open minds, open doors, and open communication - but now it seems to be closed-off from reality and moving backwards. Sharon's respectful and deliberative approach to governing will give City Hall with reality check it needs to get back on track."
A graduate of Seaton Hall University, Casais served as incumbent Mayor Jimmy Davis' inaugural Chief of Staff from 2014 to 2017. He now serves as the Business Administrator, Municipal Clerk, and Qualified Purchasing Agent for the the Borough of Roselle Park.
"As someone who grew up in Bayonne and got involved in local politics at a very young age, I know how much a difference City government makes in people's lives," said Cuseglio. "Government should serve others, but the current administration has proven time and time again that they only serve themselves. Sharon's run for Mayor isn't just about an election, it's about making Bayonne residents the priority of City government once again."
Cuseglio previously served as Special Advisor to Hudson County Democratic Organization Chairwoman Amy DeGise and Chief of Staff to former Assemblyman/Majory Whip Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti. She is a graduate of Kean University and consults statewide in her ownership role with Crossing Aisles Consulting.
Casais and Cuseglio are co-owners of Crossing Aisles Consulting, LLC (CAC) bringing nearly nearly 30 years of combined experience in government and politics. Founded to bring a well-rounded, highly efficient approach to the public sector and political consulting industry, CAC was built on bi-partisan foundations, offering a ground-up, diverse menu of services ranging from the political to the governmental and regulatory.