Bayonne Rivals Davis, Ashe-Nadrowski Bump into Each Other in Broadway Eatery

BAYONNE - On election day, even guys and gals running for mayor have to eat.
But in the same place at the same time?
Sometimes they do.
Both Mayor Jimmy Davis and his main challenger Sharon Ashe Nadrowski stopped for lunch today at the Lighthouse restaurant on Broadway.
The Nadrowski party got their first and said they saw the mayor and his group on the sidewalk outside as they walked in.
They said hello to each other.
How cozy.
This is not an especially large restaurant, but both sides assembled at opposite ends.
How did they wind up in the same eatery?
"The food's good," the mayor said.
Both candidates got to the business of eating - there was no cross-dining room debate.
Jimmy Kim, who has owned the Lighthouse for four years, said folks from all sides visit his place.
What's the specialty?
Kim didn't identify a cuisine favorite, but he did express a fondness for breakfast and the house's pancakes.
For the record, Kim lives in Demarest, Bergen County - a good distance removed from the travails of local politics.
Talks with candidates on election day generally yield the same type of comments.
"Things are going well."
I couldn't resist telling the mayor that every candidate says the same thing on election day.
"Why shouldn't they?" Davis said, which wasn't a bad point.
For the record, Davis said he planned to spend the rest of the day visiting the polls and encouraging turnout.
A few blocks up the street at Nadrowski headquarters, a campaign strategist was - not surprisingly - upbeat.
He said turnout was pretty good, which he saw as a positive. From 10,000 to 12,000 are expected to vote.
The worker said the election day plan is going well. It includes visibility by the candidate, door knocking and phone calls.
As is normally the case in Hudson County, campaign workers were scattered around town as close to polling places as the law allows holding signs for their candidates.
As the mayor and his main rival ate, Dave Fetchko, 62, who said he was a lifelong city resident, was happy to talk about the race for mayor.
He's no fan of Davis.
"It's the end of the road for this guy," Fetchko said. He clearly had roads on his mind when he complained, "You got potholes like you can't believe."
Learn the difference between "there" and "their".