Beach ‘Appalled’ by Cammarano Testimony

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

Senator Jim Beach (D-5) issued the following statement today in reaction to testimony by Peter Cammarano, the Governor’s Chief of Staff, during yesterday’s Legislative Oversight hearing:

“I am appalled to read the accounts of Pete Cammarano’s testimony during the Alvarez hearings. His statement that the investigation has nothing to do with his resignation is disingenuous, if not outright dishonest.

“Less than a month ago, I called Pete Cammarano seeking the Governor’s support for a number of matters, including Senate Bill No. 2531, legislation that will result in long-term savings to the taxpayers and increase the efficiency of the election process. At the end of the conversation, Mr. Cammarano asked me if I had any influence with Senator Sweeney and if I could get Steve Sweeney to ease up on him in the legislative investigation into the Alvarez matter. Shortly thereafter, I reported Mr. Cammarano’s comments to Marci Levin Hochman, the First Assistant Legislative Counsel.

“There has been a complete lack of candor exhibited by Mr. Cammarano in his testimony, which is consistent with his self-serving attempt to have people ease up on him in the investigation.”

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