Becchi Cranks up Another Sharp CD-11 Attack


Republican Rosemary Becchi is out with a new ad that highlights rising crime and violence in New York City.

In case you forgot, Becchi is running to represent New Jersey’s 11th District in Congress.

The point of this ad, which features the candidate walking on a train platform, is that crime is up because of national policies backed by incumbent Mikie Sherrill, and, naturally, Nancy Pelosi.

The reference is to House bill 7120, which passed the Democratic-controlled chamber in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, allegedly by police. It’s gone nowhere in the Senate.

Becchi isn’t the only Republican candidate to use this bill as a campaign tool. Like many others, Becchi makes reference to the “defund the police” movement.

In truth, the bill says nothing about police funding, which is very much a local matter. It doesn’t defund anything.

One part of the bill makes it easier for police officers to be sued for wrongdoing in federal courts.

Supporters say this would hold police accountable for reckless actions – like shooting someone in the back seven times.

Becchi says the bill would allow “criminals” to sue police for doing their jobs.

Clearly, Republicans feel unrest in cities helps them politically.. After all, the GOP has proclaimed itself to be the party of “law and order” dating back to Richard Nixon.

Some of this is an exaggeration. Crime may be up this year in NYC, but any objective analysis shows that crime in recent years has declined steadily. In short, there are fewer murders in the city today than there were 10 years ago. Skeptics can check out the stats themselves.

No matter.

A political campaign is a time for sharp attacks, not scholarly commentary.

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