Beck Goes On Offense Against Vitale Bill: Horizon Reserves 'Should Not be a Piggy Bank'

Kevin O'Toole, former senator from the 40th Legislative District, says that being a public servant in NJ was an honor, he does not miss being in Trenton's political arena.

TRENTON - In a battleground contest this year, state Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11) criticized the sate Senator Joe Vitale-authored S-4 as Vitale huddled behind the dais with state Senator Kevin O'Toole (R-40).

"I respect Senator Vitale," said Beck.

But, "My instinct is if you have policy holders, subscribers of health plans that are paying premiums, they're a public entity and they essentially overpay... it is not for the State of New Jersey to sweep in and say 'we're going to use this to pay for our own pet projects. When they overpay, those small businesses should get that money back. It should not become a piggy bank for the State of New Jersey."



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