Berdnik Goes on Offense in Passaic Sheriff's Tilt

On September 9, 2022, former Paterson police officers were sentenced in a federal criminal case related to civil rights violations and false police reports that occurred while the Republican candidates for Sheriff and County Commissioner held prominent leadership positions in the Paterson Police Department. Two Paterson cops admitted to running a "robbery squad" that included shaking down drug dealers and various civil rights violations under the leadership of Mason Maher, Alex Cruz, and Troy Oswald.
"Mason Maher, Alex Cruz, and Troy Oswald need to be held accountable for their role as leaders in the Paterson Police Department while this illegal conduct took place," stated Passaic County Sheriff Richard Berdnik. "Mason Maher attended the trial in support of these officers and the robbery squads, showing that he does not have the character to run the Passaic County Sheriff's Office. "
"Troy Oswald wasn't fit to be Sheriff, and these convictions show he is not fit to be a County Commissioner either," stated Commissioner Pat Lepore. "While the Oswald Robbery Squads were reeking havoc in Paterson, I led the effort with Sheriff Berdnik and Commissioner Duffy to put more police on the streets to keep our families and communities safe."
"As the father of a Paterson Police Officer, I know the good men-and-women working in Paterson trying to keep the City safe," stated Commissioner Terry Duffy. "Oswald, Maher, and Cruz failed these public servants, and their lack of leadership is a damning indictment."
Funny how this news site wont allow post from people telling the truth about all the corruption within paterson pd and all republican candidates.
This disgraceful one sided article tells me that the Democratic party is in fear of these 3 Patersonian's. Insider NJ, did you bother getting a quote from our mayor Andre or our Police director Jerry? I would love to hear what they think.
Troy is a fraud- Mason is a fraud- paterson is a cesspool. Wake up
no one from the paterson police department is worthy to wear the badge let alone run for sheriff . Starting from the top with their sleezy lying police director jerry speziale, if him and the mayor were not butt buddys he would be somewhere cheating on his wife. As for Oswald and Mason- both knowingly allowed thier officers to run free and do what they want which resulted in charges for many officers On their watch! They cant look after a police department let alone the entire county. Paterson will continue to be more and more corrupt the longer Sayeh and Speziale are there.
Berdnik is an absentee Sheriff and has been for many many years. Now desperate to hold to power Berdnik has the gaul to disparage hard working caring police officers and leaders. Troy Oswald has done infinitely more more for public safty in Paterson/Passaic County than the no show Sheriff Berdnik. All of a sudden Berdnik is concerned about crime in Paterson and other communities because he has a challenger that really cares in Mason Maher!! Make sure you vote this empty suit Berdnik out this Nov and give real leaders and crime fighters a chance…. Vote Mason Maher, Troy Oswald and Alex Cruz!!
You really must be kidding. While Troy may have been the Police Chief, when these cops were busted. He found the problem, handled the problem and the cops were arrested. Alex Cruz a leader in the Paterson Police Dept when these things occurred , wrong, he is not a supervisor. The is the Union President. Berdnik worked with Berdnik and Duffy to put more officers on the streets to keep our families safe,BS. The Sheriff's Dept Officers are the most untrained law enforcement officers in the County. Oswald failed in his lack of leadership according to Duffy, I would never believe that Duffy would say that. Hey Berdnik, how about your questionable judgement, especially with two undersheriff's that you have. How about your Chief, know there is what I'm talking about, no knowledge of the job and it showed.
Nice try Democrats. You guys are the criminals.
When you have dirty corrupt things going on in your own dept. you have no room to throw dirt on other peoe when you can not even fix the corruption thats been on going in your dept since you have been sheriff