Bergen County Dems Chair Juliano Backs Tammy Murphy

Bergen County Democratic Chairman Paul Juliano released the following statement endorsing the candidacy of Tammy Murphy for United States Senate.
“New Jersey stands at the cusp of making history. We have the opportunity to shatter another glass ceiling by electing a woman to the United States Senate for the first time in our state's history. Tammy Murphy has proven to be a determined and unwavering champion for New Jersey families and accomplished so much to build a stronger future for our state. She has taken on many of the toughest issues we face today, including building nationally leading programs to protect the health of mothers and children and to combat the urgent threat of climate change. That’s the type of real leadership we need fighting for us in Washington and why I’m proud to support Tammy Murphy for United States Senate."
There are 254,779 registered Democrats in Bergen County. In 2020, the last time United States Senate was on the ballot, Bergen County delivered the greatest number of Democratic votes for Senator Cory Booker.