Bergen GOP Source: Guadagno's Negativity Combined with Ciattarelli Talent Changed Guv Choice

Ciattarelli and Guadagno

A Bergen County Republican told InsiderNJ that after having backed Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno from the beginning of the campaign, he intends to vote for Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli (R-16) for governor on Tuesday.

"I like Kim," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity. "But I don't like the way her campaign went negative. Jack has momentum now, and has run the better campaign. Everybody who has met him likes him up here. He is blowing people out of the water. It's tough, because here is Kim, who you really wanted to support, who just went negative and stayed negative, and it makes me pay attention to Jack. When I go into the voting booth, I'm going to have a hard time not voting for him. I'm going to vote for him."

The source worried about Ciattarelli running out of time, and noted the money disparity between the LG and the assemblyman.

"Some are saying Jack will pull it out - we are certainly witnessing his momentum in Bergen County, but Kim is still the favorite based on the party infrastructure in key counties," the source added.

Whether the candidate is Ciattarelli or Guadagno, the source despaired of Republican Party chances in the general election.

"We don't have a state party," said the source. "We have a party that's non-existent. The Dave Paranos and Jenny Davis's of the world have all circled the wagons. We don't have an infrastructure to battle the Dave Paranos."

Previous comments for: Bergen GOP Source: Guadagno's Negativity Combined with Ciattarelli Talent Changed Guv Choice

  1. Jim Granelli says:

    Insider, writing stories about some un-namped person changing their vote is tantamount to #fakenews. Max, you know better. Shameful.

  2. Jim Granelli says:

    Says the #fakeconservative Seth. No one listens to you Seth. The Cittarelli campaign started out with a negative campaign right from the beginning with horse manure on the annual train ride to DC.

  3. Jim Granelli says:


  4. Laur Trueman says:

    I'm voting for Kim strictly to clean up the corruption in Somerset County starting with still no answers from their embattled County Sheriff Frank Provenzano on an inmates death at his jail earlier this year: This is this is same County Sheriff who was profiled on FoxNews for paying a family 699K for another inmate that died under his watch, was caught in a pay to play scheme by NJ Appellate Court this year and recently accused by Kim G campaign of forging his name on a sworn election petition. Kim knows corruption and it's refreshing to see her campaign targeting this holdover from the Somerset County Nick Bissell police era.

  5. Seth Grossman says:

    Those "High-Tax Jack" ads are the same lies Christie used against Steve Lonegan 8 years ago. Both Ciattarelli and Lonegan were proven spending, debt, and tax-cutters. Republican Established falsely said both wanted to raise taxes simply because they wanted to end special tax deals for a handful of political insiders (like Atlantic City casinos and Hoboken luxury condos) that raise taxes for everyone else.

  6. Andy Barr says:

    Have you seen any of Hirsh Singh's ads? We need someone who can attack the Murphy Menace with full force.

  7. Astraea says:

    And many people feel exactly the opposite way, that Ciattarelli went negative first .. and when he compared Guadagno to Hillary, they felt they just couldn't vote for Jack.

  8. George Ramirez says:

    The ad that

  9. Stephanie says:

    Why would you even publish this without giving the name of the 'source'!? It is meaningless without because most of the BCRO is corrupt and let's not forget, they were backing Piscopo at first, oy!

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