Bergen Officials, Gov's Office Huddle over Statute Governing Sheriff's Special Election

A Bergen Sheriff's contest could be on the ballot this November, say sources who are this weekend are reviewing the statute governing the special circumstances of a vacancy in the office of sheriff.
Here's the statute:
"When a vacancy shall occur in the office of sheriff of any county, other than by expiration of term, the Governor shall fill such vacancy with the advice and consent of the Senate by appointment of a member of the same political party as that of the previous incumbent of the office, and the commission of said appointee shall expire when a successor is elected and qualified.
"The successor in such case shall be elected for a term of 3 years at the general election next succeeding the happening of the vacancy unless such vacancy shall occur within 37 days next preceding such election, in which case it shall be filled at the second succeeding general election."
The vacancy occurred within 37 days.
Former Sheriff Mike Saudino resigned his office 45 days ahead of the election.
Bergen officials were on the phone Saturday with the Governor's Office trying to determine how to proceed.
"It's the only office where this particular time frame applies," a source - groaning - told InsiderNJ.
Another source noted that Saudino hasn't officially resigned yet on paper - only the announcement that he's stepping down - so the possibility exists that he stays put for another week to get past the deadline and avoiding a special election.
More later.
He's probably seeking to submit retirement papers. If so, public employee retirmements usually take place on the 1st day on the ensuing month, which would be October 1 - exactly 37 days away from Election Day. More intigue! Gotta love Jersey.