Bergen Sheriff's Office Releases COVID-19 Data on Jail Inmates, Staff

HACKENSACK, N.J. – Sheriff Anthony Cureton announces that the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office will provide statistical information related to COVID-19 on a weekly basis for the duration of the stay-at-home order issued by County and State Officials.

BSCO Staff Currently COVID-19 Positive

Corrections Officers Sheriff’s Officers Bureau of Police Services Jail Nursing Staff
18 9 0 4


BCSO Staff in Quarantine

Corrections Officers Sheriff’s Officers Bureau of Police Services Jail Nursing Staff
35 17 0 1

*Quarantine is defined as individuals who may have had close contact of ten minutes or more with an individual who has tested positive.

Bergen County Jail Population Currently COVID-19 Positive

County Inmates I.C.E. Detainees Total Positive Tests
1 1 3 (one positive was released)

The three positive cases include:

40-year-old Salvadorian national in ICE custody at the BCJ, tested on Thursday, March 26th

54-year-old county inmate, tested on Saturday, March 28th

31-year-old Mexican national in ICE detainee, tested on Monday, March 23rd, was released on Thursday, March 26th by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Bergen County Jail Population Currently Monitored in Isolation

County Inmates I.C.E. Detainees
6 4

County Inmates and I.C.E. Detainees are monitored in isolation for possessing one or more of the following symptoms – upper respiratory infection, body aches, fatigue, headache, loss of taste and smell. The Bergen County Jail medical staff monitors a wide range of symptoms as this virus manifests differently from one person to another.


Jail Population Releases

County Inmates I.C.E. Detainees
136 52


Jail Population

County Inmates I.C.E. Detainees
227 204


Other updates:

Last week the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office received a large shipment of single-use surgical masks to further protect staff and the jail population. All staff assigned to the Bergen County Jail are required to wear masks on post. All County Inmates and I.C.E. Detainees are also required to wear masks outside of their cells.

The Bergen County Jail is also awaiting an order of several hundred COVID-19 test kits which are scheduled to arrive next week.

The statewide COVID-19 count grew by 4,059 COVID-19 cases and 365 fatalities in the past 24 hours, for a total of 68,824 cases and 2,805 deaths as of Tuesday, April 14th.  As of Monday evening, 8,185 people have been hospitalized total and 514 have been discharged in the past 24 hours.

COVID-19 Cases by County
Data is provisional and subject to revision.

Bergen County:

10,426 Positive Test Results

550 Deaths

Hudson County:

8,242 Positive Test Results

277 Deaths

Essex County:

8,212 Positive Test Results

535 Deaths

Union County:

7,265 Positive Test Results

238 Deaths

Passaic County:

6,438 Positive Test Results

156 Deaths

Middlesex County:

6,313 Positive Test Results

216 Deaths

Monmouth County:

4,003 Positive Test Results

145 Deaths

Ocean County:

3,833 Positive Test Results

149 Deaths

Morris County:

3,424 Positive Test Results

192 Deaths

Somerset County:

1,911 Positive Test Results

91 Deaths

Mercer County:

1,731 Positive Test Results

71 Deaths

Camden County:

1,477 Positive Test Results

41 Deaths

Burlington County:

1,207 Positive Test Results

28 Deaths

Gloucester County:

587 Positive Test Results

11 Deaths

Sussex County:

535 Positive Test Results

39 Deaths

Warren County:

442 Positive Test Results

25 Deaths

Hunterdon County:

349 Positive Test Results

11 Deaths

Atlantic County:

284 Positive Test Results

11 Deaths

Cumberland County:

201 Positive Test Results

3 Deaths

Cape May County:

169 Positive Test Results

10 Deaths

Salem County:

73 Positive Test Results

4 Deaths

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