Bernards Twp. Committeewoman Bianchi Honored by Somerset Republican Women

The Somerset County Federation of Republican Women announced Carol Manuele Bianchi as the recipient of the 2018 Millicent Fenwick Award. Ms. Bianchi will be presented with the prestigious award at a dinner in her honor on Wednesday, May 16, 2018. This award, granted for Distinguished Public Service, is presented annually and recognizes those women who have dedicated their lives to providing outstanding public service to others.  This award also reflects the Federation’s intent to ensure that the achievements of these women are recorded in history.

Millicent Fenwick, the awards’ namesake, was a special person in New Jersey and in Congressional history. Always the lady, she was an effective and unique leader in New Jersey and in Congress. Carol Bianchi’s strengths mirror Congresswoman Fenwick’s, including dedication to family, self-reliance, industriousness, strong work ethic, free enterprise, capitalism, volunteerism, good character and stalwart Republican principles that respect freedom from intrusive government.

A Bernards Township Committeewoman since 2013, Bianchi exemplifies Republican ideals and is a role model for women, according to the organization. She received the Somerset County Outstanding Woman of the Year from the Somerset County Commission on the Status of Women for government service and the Somerset County Governing Officials Association Outstanding Elected Official of the Year in 2016.  She served as Deputy Mayor in 2015 and Mayor in 2016.  Prior to serving on the Township Committee, she volunteered in the schools, including as President of the William Annin Middle School (WAMS) Athletic Organization and on the WAMS PTO board.   

Bianchi began her career as a legal publisher, and while working full time, attended Seton Hall Law School, graduating magna cum laude in 1992.  She is also a 2010 graduate of Leadership Somerset.  Her path to public service in government gained momentum in 2008 when she spearheaded a citizens group in Bernards Township to successfully stop the importation of contaminated fill to a local quarry and to advocate for DEP oversight.  Bianchi then served on the Environmental Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment prior to being selected as the first female Chairperson of the Bernards Township Planning Board in 2013.   She previously chaired the Bernards Township Municipal Alliance against Substance Abuse. 

Additionally, Bianchi is very active in Somerset County through various leadership roles, collaborating and advocating for the business and economic interests of the County and State.  She serves as the Co-Chairperson of the Somerset County Employer Legislative Committee (ELC) since 2015, and currently as President of the Somerset County Governing Officials Association (SCGOA), having previously served in various roles.  She also has served as the Co-Chairperson of the Legislative Affairs Committee for the Somerset County Business Partnership.

Bianchi serves on the Board of Governors for the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women and continues to serve as an active campaign volunteer for Republican candidates on the local through national level.  A firm believer in ground-level campaigning, she walks extensively, door-to-door, in every election cycle for the Republican candidates.   

Married to Rich Bianchi for over 28 years, she has four children; Rita, Nolan, Michael, and Caroline ranging in ages from 6th grade through college.

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